Simple and Crazy Effective E-commerce Mobile Revenue Hack

Simple and Crazy Effective E-commerce Mobile Revenue Hack

Your ecommerce business finally launched a mobile application.

It’s a big day.

All your time, effort, and money has finally paid off – or has it?

If you can’t get people to download your app, then it’s not going to make you any money.

But maybe downloads aren’t your problem.

You may see your download numbers rise while your revenue stream stays stagnant.

Frustrated. Disheartened. Worried.

If you’re feeling these emotions because your app isn’t performing the way you thought it would, don’t get discouraged just yet.

As an industry expert, I can teach you super effective hacks that will give your mobile platform sky-high results on your bottom line.

Even if you’re a complete newbie, my strategies and techniques are easy to understand and follow.

Here’s what you need to do.

Build a flash sale or daily deal app

Your mobile app is much more convenient for customers than your mobile website.

Yes, you still need to make sure your site is mobile friendly and can process orders.

21% of ecommerce spending comes from mobile devices.

However, there’s way less friction for customers if they shop via your app.

Take a look at the how consumers are abandoning shopping carts by device.

Phones have the highest abandonment rate compared to desktop computers and tablets.

Why do you think this is the case?

There’s too much friction preventing the customer from completing the checkout process.

They have to enter all of their information which is a time consuming and tedious process.

Your site may have some issues with the layout or page loading speed.

All of this turns customers away.

But your app solves all of these problems, so make sure your customers know this.

When the customer completes a purchase on your app, make sure you save all of their information.

This includes keeping their credit card information on file (with their permission, of course).

By doing so, you’re simplifying the checkout process for future purchases.

It’s ideal for both you and the customer, especially if you’re running a flash sale.

Check out this notification from the Charlotte Russe mobile app.

When an app user receives this notification, they only have so much time to act.

Charlotte Russe sent this notification out only 20 minutes before a 3 hour sale started.

All the user has to do now is open up the app, select what they want, and finalize the purchase.

If their information is already saved on a customer profile, there’s nothing to slow down or potentially halt this process.

Flash sales also create the fear of missing out (FOMO).

Let’s continue using the above example.

If a customer previously planned on buying something from Charlotte Russe, the flash sale would entice them to complete the purchase immediately.

Think about it.

Why would they wait to buy something tomorrow or next week if they can get it right now at a discounted rate?

That’s how you have to market the products on your app.

Create urgency.

It gives your customers a reason to buy.

While increasing revenue is obviously a top priority for you, shopping isn’t necessarily a top priority for your customers.

This approach gives them more of an incentive.

Daily deals also get more attention from your customers.

It’s even better than sending an email.

OK – so nearly 14,000 emails may be a bit drastic.

But the average person who works in an office gets 121 emails each day.

That’s a ton.

While email marketing works, sending a notification from your app is much more effective.

But you need to make sure that your messages are engaging.

Right now, ecommerce and retail apps are behind the curve when it comes to engagement through push notifications.

Don’t get discouraged by this.

The reason why the engagement here is so low is because companies don’t know how to use them properly.

But using the methods that we previously discussed will work.

Later I’ll show you an example of some more companies who successfully use this strategy.

This will also help you increase the lifetime value of your customers.

You need these people to be loyal to your brand.

A daily deals app that constantly runs flash sales is the perfect way to achieve this.

Think about the habits of your customers.

Understanding these trends and tailoring your app to fit their needs will increase their lifetime value, which will positively impact your revenue stream as a result.

So let’s take a look at why it works

Saying that this strategy works will is one thing, but I want to take this one step further and show you examples of how companies have had success doing this.

Touch of Modern is an industry leader in this space.

Here are some statistics about the success of their e-commerce mobile app.

  • Each month they get about 150,000 to 200,000 downloads.
  • 57% of their customers are repeat shoppers.
  • About two-thirds of their sales come from the mobile app as opposed to their mobile site.

They have success because of their daily flash sales.

Deals can be as high as 70% off.

Getting the customer to open the app because of a notification is one thing, but Touch of Modern knows how to get these users to convert as well.

How do they do it?

It’s one of the reasons we talked about earlier.

All of the customer information gets saved to their profile.

So users don’t need to enter their name, phone number, billing address, shipping address, credit card number, and all of the other tedious information that mobile sites require.

They even have a simple checkout process with just one click if the customer wants to use Apple Pay.

The strategy may seem simple, but it’s super effective.

Those numbers that we looked at earlier about Touch of Modern’s success do all of the talking.

It’s tough to argue with results like that.

You can easily apply those same strategies to your own ecommerce mobile app to enhance your success rates as well.

Let’s take a look at the daily deals approach from another perspective.

I’ll start by using MMAHQ as an example.

The concept of this website is simple.

Each day, they sell one product at a discounted rate.

By doing this, they get customers to check back on a daily basis to see what they’re offering.

The strategy accomplishes the tactics that we previously discussed.

  1. Creates urgency (FOMO)
  2. Flash sale
  3. Increase customer lifetime value

This year alone, MMAHQ’s global ranking on Alexa has improved by nearly 55,000 positions.

The average visitor spends less than a minute on the site.


Because the concept is so simple.

They either like the product and buy it, or don’t like the product and check back tomorrow.

That’s it.

All of their information is saved in the customer profile, so they can complete the whole process in less than a minute.

While this ecommerce business operates strictly as a website and not a mobile app, the proof of concept for daily deals still applies here.

Here’s another site with the same concept, Muscle HQ.

How much success are they having?

Well, today’s deal sold out in less than 4 hours.

Their deals are so good that you need to get on the site first thing each day to have a chance at getting an awesome deal.

This takes FOMO to a completely new level.

Same goes for BJJ HQ as well.

These three sites attract users with the daily deal strategy and use email as a primary method for reminding their members of the sale.

Remember, these are just websites, not mobile apps.

But as I explained earlier, push notifications are far more engaging than an email.

Imagine how much success these businesses would have if they converted their ecommerce site to a mobile app?

This is encouraging for your company.

Even though you may not be in the same industry as these businesses, it’s just an example of how successful websites still haven’t launched their app.

So you’re already ahead of the game in that sense.

Now you need to stay ahead by monetizing your downloads with daily deals.

In-app purchases are the number one driving force of revenue for mobile apps.

So how do I build one for my store?

Now that you know how this works, it’s time to apply it to your own app.

Although I might be a little biased, I think the easiest way to do this is through the IdealApps platform.

You’ve got so many different options if you have IdealApps build your mobile app with their platform.

IdealApps builds your app for both iOS and Android devices.

IdealApps also give you a custom CRM and CSM, to keep all your customers and media in one central location.

You have an arsenal of video tutorials, marketing material, and customer support to help you grow your business.

To get started, contact them here.

With IdealApps platform, that make owning a mobile app for your business affordable to all budgets.

For a small development fee, you will get a 100% custom branded mobile app for your business.


Let’s quickly recap the most important pieces of information that we discussed.

The best way to increase revenue for your ecommerce mobile application is by running daily deals and flash sales.

Follow the lead of companies like Touch of Modern who complete dominate sales by employing this method.

There are websites such as MMA HQ that have success doing this as well.

But it’s even better on a mobile app.


There’s less friction on a mobile app than with email email.

Push notifications instantly alert users of a new deal.

All they need to do is click or swipe on the notification and they will have access to the app.

Your conversion rates will be significantly higher this way.

Plus, the customer information is already stored in the app.

They won’t need to enter their name, address, credit card number, or other long pieces of information to complete the checkout process.

All they need to do is click a couple of buttons and you’ll generate sales.

They’re happy because it’s quick, and you’ll be happy because you’re making more money.

What will be your first flash sale promotion to generate more revenue from your mobile e-commerce app?


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