Simple Or Complex?
Balwant Singraul
Executive in eCommerce & Product Management, specializing in Digital Business Strategy and Advanced Analytics
Life is utterly simple and yet most complex. You have to simultaneously attend to both facets. When life appears most complex, turn to simplicity; simplicity brings peace. When you're peaceful, attend to the complexity; that will make you more skillful.
If you're only with simplicity, it makes you lazy and dull; growth isn't there.
Being only with complexity makes you angry and frustrated; there's no life at all.
The intelligent ones skillfully balance these two and rejoice in both.
When you recognize both the simplicity and the complexity of life, you'll be skillfully peaceful!
white light is pure simplicity.
The colors of the prism are the complexity of life.
When you heard is pure, your life becomes so colorful.
Excerpts from "Notes for the Journey Within" by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar #srisriravishankar #notesforthejourneywithin #mindcoaching #mindcare #LifeBalance #InnerPeace
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