This simple change yielded tremendous results
Yesterday, my Private Client, Michael Rozbruch, and I had another home run with my four-hour launch methodology. We've sold the same product every year for five years.
As much as I would like to take all of the credit, the Roz Man made one simple change to the program with a rippling effect of positive results.
In previous years, the program we sold was titled "The Audit Protection Plan System & Toolkit." This year, Michael changed the name to "The Client Protect Plan System & Toolkit."
The brilliant change in title not only increased sales but nearly eliminated a significant objection we used to get multiple times during our four-hour broadcast. While we still raised the objection and handled it during the launch, our audience didn't raise it.
Although I'm constantly harping about the importance of titles for everything from your webinars to what you call your initial consultations, most people need to spend more time thinking about the vital topic.
I promise that if you develop a more compelling title for your offers, you will enjoy an increase in sales with no additional marketing expenses or time investments.
Your assignment: Look at your titles and ask yourself, "Can I make these more compelling?"
Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave "Home Run Hitter" Dee
P.S. Due to overwhelming demand, I decided to do the Present, Persuade, & Profit two-hour live workshop again on Monday at 3:00 PM ET. If you want to join me, save your spot here.