?Simple captive portal using OpenWRT

?Simple captive portal using OpenWRT

OpenWRT has 2 walled garden solutions, one is coovachilli and the other is OpenNDS. I used the coovachilli solution to integrate with freeradius. However, I wanted a simple walled garden with no auth and decided to use OpenNDS as it had a configuration that supported this. But it bombed! But then I persisted, modified one of the existing scripts and boom. Here it is:

# Install opennds and change dnsmasq (NB!)
opkg update
opkg remove dnsmasq
opkg install dnsmasq-full
opkg install opennds

# Modify /etc/config/opennds
option login_option_enabled '3'
option themespec_path '/usr/lib/opennds/theme_click-to-continue-legacy.sh'
# Create a seperate interface for the hotspot captive portal
option gatewayinterface 'br-hot'
option gatewayname 'Fusion Hotspot'
option maxclients '500'
list walledgarden_fqdn_list 'xxx.yyy.com yyy.com bing.com google.co.za'
list walledgarden_port_list '80 443'

# Create /usr/lib/opennds/theme_click-to-continue-legacy.sh
# This is create from a copy of the basic script


# Title of this theme:

# functions:

generate_splash_sequence() {

header() {
# Define a common header html for every page served
        gatewayurl=$(printf "${gatewayurl//%/\\x}")
        echo "<!DOCTYPE html>
                 <meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\">
                 <meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">
                 <meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"0\">
                 <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
                 <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">
                 <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"$gatewayurl/images/splash.png\" type=\"image/x-icon\">
                 <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$gatewayurl/splash.css\">
                <div class=\"offset\">
                        $gatewayname <br>
                <div class=\"insert\" style=\"max-width:100%;\">

footer() {
        # Define a common footer html for every page served
        year=$(date +'%Y')
        echo "
                <div style=\"font-size:0.5em;\">
                        <img style=\"height:60px; width:60px; float:left;\" src=\"$gatewayurl""$imagepath\" alt=\"Splash Page: For access to the Internet.\">
                        &copy; Powered by Fusion Broadband South Africa - [email protected]<br>
        exit 0

click_to_continue() {
        # This is the simple click to continue splash page with no client validation.
        # The client is however required to accept the terms of service.

        if [ "$continue" = "clicked" ]; then

continue_form() {
        # Define a click to Continue form

        echo "
                <big-blue>Welcome to the Saints Sports Festival!</big-blue><br>
                 Connectivity provided by Cammington - [email protected] <br>
                 Please use responsibly.
                <form action=\"/opennds_preauth/\" method=\"get\">
                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fas\" value=\"$fas\">
                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"continue\" value=\"clicked\">
                 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"landing\" value=\"yes\">
                 <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Access Internet\" >

thankyou_page () {
        # If we got here, we have both the username and emailaddress fields as completed on the login page on the client,
        # or Continue has been clicked on the "Click to Continue" page
        # No further validation is required so we can grant access to the client. The token is not actually required.
        if [ -z "$custom" ]; then
                customhtml="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"custom\" value=\"$custom\">"

        # Continue to the landing page, the client is authenticated there


landing_page() {
        originurl=$(printf "${originurl//%/\\x}")
        gatewayurl=$(printf "${gatewayurl//%/\\x}")

        . $mountpoint/ndscids/ndsinfo

        # authenticate and write to the log - returns with $ndsstatus set

        # output the landing page - note many CPD implementations will close as soon as Internet access is detected
        # The client may not see this page, or only see it briefly
                  Access to the Internet has been provided.
                  (Ads, unsafe and adult content is blocked!)
                <input type=\"button\" VALUE=\"Status\" onClick=\"location.href='$gatewayurl'\" >
                                Something went wrong and you have failed to log in.

                                Your login attempt probably timed out.
                        Click or tap Continue to try again.
                        <input type=\"button\" VALUE=\"Continue\" onClick=\"location.href='https://$gatewayfqdn'\" >

        if [ "$ndsstatus" = "authenticated" ]; then
                echo "$auth_success"
                echo "$auth_fail"


#### end of functions ####

#                                               #
#  Start - Main entry point for this Theme      #
#                                               #
#  Parameters set here overide those            #
#  set in libopennds.sh                 #
#                                               #

# Quotas and Data Rates
# Set length of session in minutes (eg 24 hours is 1440 minutes - if set to 0 then defaults to global sessiontimeout value):
# eg for 100 mins:
# session_length="100"
# eg for 20 hours:
# session_length=$((20*60))
# eg for 20 hours and 30 minutes:
# session_length=$((20*60+30))

# Set Rate and Quota values for the client
# The session length, rate and quota values could be determined by this script, on a per client basis.
# rates are in kb/s, quotas are in kB. - if set to 0 then defaults to global value).

quotas="$session_length $upload_rate $download_rate $upload_quota $download_quota"

# Define the list of Parameters we expect to be sent sent from openNDS ($ndsparamlist):
# Note you can add custom parameters to the config file and to read them you must also add them here.
# Custom parameters are "Portal" information and are the same for all clients eg "admin_email" and "location"

ndsparamlist="$ndsparamlist $ndscustomparams $ndscustomimages $ndscustomfiles"

# The list of FAS Variables used in the Login Dialogue generated by this script is $fasvarlist and defined in libopennds.sh
# Additional custom FAS variables defined in this theme should be added to $fasvarlist here.

fasvarlist="$fasvarlist $additionalthemevars"

# You can choose to define a custom string. This will be b64 encoded and sent to openNDS.
# There it will be made available to be displayed in the output of ndsctl json as well as being sent
#       to the BinAuth post authentication processing script if enabled.
# Set the variable $binauth_custom to the desired value.
# Values set here can be overridden by the themespec file

#binauth_custom="This is sample text sent from \"$title\" to \"BinAuth\" for post authentication processing."

# Encode and activate the custom string

# Set the user info string for logs (this can contain any useful information)

# Customise the Logfile location. Note: the default uses the tmpfs "temporary" directory to prevent flash wear.
# Override the defaults to a custom location eg a mounted USB stick.

# Modify the /etc/opennds/htdocs/splash.css
        body {
                background-image: url('https://xxx.yyy.com/extra/images/wallpaper.jpg');
                color: #add8e6;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 10px;
                font-family: sans-serif;

Ronald ensures that Internet inhabiting things are connected reliably online at Fusion Broadband South Africa - the leading specialized SD-WAN provider in South Africa.


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