Simple business lesson from a coffee selling giant
Hugh Tafel
Business Coach | I help aspiring & established business coaches close all the high-ticket clients they can handle in less than 90 days via our proven turnkey system | Free 12 min Video Explains How ??
Canmore, AB
“Ach! His flight is arriving 2 hours later. … Oops, my mistake. It’s on time.”
I was in a Starbucks in Calgary, AB, enjoying a cappuccino while waiting for my wife to have her pedicure. We were in the city running errands that can’t be done in our small town. Later that afternoon, we were to head to the airport to pick up a friend arriving from London, England.?
I wanted to check to ensure his flight was on time. In error, I accidentally chose the departures instead of arrivals, and so thought his flight was 2 hours later than told. I was not looking forward to hanging around in the city for longer than necessary. I was relieved all was good.
I am not a particularly big fan of the massive coffee conglomerate but in our travels across Canada and United States I can say this much for them. Their washrooms are invariably clean and the Wi-Fi excellent and easy to access.
When one is traveling, both of these areas can supersede great food or espresso.?
This time, when I clicked to access the internet, they had a prompt asking me if I’d like to be connected automatically at any of their participating outlets. I liked the idea, so I clicked “yes”, and was led to a page to enter my name and email.?
“Excellent!”, I thought. Here’s a company that gets it.
A very nice, unobtrusive method of providing me with some ease or improvement of service, in return for an email.?
Importantly though – another way for them to send me offers, wherever I may be, to come into their business. With a list they own.
Your biggest asset in any business is going to be your client, patient, or customer list, to which you can inform, educate, and invite everyone in it, to come back and buy again, and again, and again.?
Not to mention, to also persuade via good service and direct requests of your customers to invite and refer their friends and family.?
Too, too many companies miss this opportunity. They believe their twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. followers will do it all for them.?
News flash for you. You Don’t Own those followers and your account can be blocked without notice. Not to mention that new algorithms prevent you from reaching much more than 5% at any one time.?
No, nothing is better than your own list. Yet most of you have not built one, nor do you communicate with your members, buyers, clients, nearly often enough. ?
Your job this week? Get started. Today. ?
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Until next week,
Stay healthy and focus on profit!?
- Hugh? The “Profit Accelerator” Expert
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