The simple attributes that make DIAMONDS so special!

The simple attributes that make DIAMONDS so special!

Diamonds are very special!

Still the most preferred in engagement rings, diamonds are best friends with celebrations, making the occasion more special than ever. So, what is that with this stone, which is so extraordinary?

Let’s learn some of the attributes of a diamond that bestow it with preciousness!

- Diamonds are well known for the unmatched brilliance with the sparkles they liberate, that precisely come with the cut.

- Their extreme hardness makes them the hardest mineral on earth, being rated with the value of 10 on the Mohs scale of relative hardness

- Diamonds come in various colours like white, yellow, blue, pink, green, purple, red & orange. While these are known to the mankind, there might be many other hidden colours in earth’s crust, yet to be discovered. (To know more about the diamond colours, read the article: The theory behind the natural formation of Coloured Diamonds, from our article section)

- The astounding sentimental value it holds with the owner.

- The richness and admiration that it holds in the eyes of beholder.

- The ever-rising valuation witnessed in diamonds, making it one of the most expensive possession.

Disclaimer: The above information/article is strictly for informational purpose only, as per industry updates & news, and not to be taken as an investment advice. Surat Diamond Bourse is not responsible for any changes in the data or specific use/misuse of the information.

Ellie you are so right on. Remind yourself and your clients that these precious diamonds are the creation of Our Heavenly Father. We treasure God's creations as we treasure His Son Jesus. Yes we have so much to be thankful for. Agreed? ?? Diamond Dave




