?? Simple Actions Leading To Great Results!
Jigish Patel ??
Helping Senior Executives retire confidently ? Building Your Retirement Roadmap ? Financial Clarity ? Inflation-Proof Investments ? Financial Confidence ? AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor
In my experience as a Retirement Strategist I come across many intelligent and well-honed individuals.
On a personal level my esteemed clients many a time, share some pearls of wisdom which I have carefully imbibed in my life journey.
Here’s a quick compilation of simple yet valuable life lessons.
Try them and achieve a successful, healthy and happy life:
1. Drink more water
It’s simple.It’s free.
May not be a“fancy” thing to do but super relevant.
Regular consumption of water has a great impact on the functioning of the mind and body.
It’s that simple really.
2. Your body is the only one you’ll have for life STAY in SHAPE:
The Pandemic has made it clear health is definitely the ultimate wealth.
A healthy body is the best asset.
Take care of it.
3.You can’t get back time you spend worrying – So don’t worry
Age old advice.
Yet a few follow it.
The Pandemic has proven problems can come from anywhere.
They are unexpected and unknown.
Worrying won’t help.
Use your time for things that matter to you.
4. Don’t spend time on toxic people; PERIOD.
Some people unnecessarily critic and complain.
Some people make you feel low.
All these are category “toxic”.
These people come in close proximity at times.
You must avoid them as much as possible.
5. Be kind and generous more often
The world needs kindness and compassion perennially.
At this time even more.
Do your bit whenever you can and as many times as you can.
A small effort towards a better world.
6. Pursue Patience not Perfection.
Many times, chasing perfection can prevent you from taking risks, even burn out at times.
Patience on the other hand will always bear sweet fruits.
Do your best.
Good things always take time.
7. Less stuff is better. Collect memories not things
Are you guilty of collecting things?
Bags, books, mugs, caps, pens, cosmetics and what not.
The high you get out that one big ticket purchase is temporary.
While that of an exhilarating experience will last a lifetime.
From a skydive to just a hot cup of ginger tea and vada pav on a rainy day.
It’s the happiness you feel in those moments that you can feel again and again.
Start collecting memories now.
8. Work maybe worship but family and friends are “Angels”. Stay in touch.
Yes, work is important.
Do it with passion.
Many times you get so busy you tend to drift away from family and friends.
When you retire it’s your family and friends that will warm up the cockles of your heart.
Maintaining a work-life balance is a must.
9. Being debt free should be on your TO DO list
Debt is inevitable in these times.
Homes loans, car loans, education loans etc.
Manage debt early in life.
The older you are, you want to feel free to enjoy your life.
Debt management is a key to a bright and relaxed future.
10. Age is just a Number. Learn new skills. Update and upgrade yourself regularly.
At any age you must be ready to learn.
The new normal has made technology unavoidable in our lives. To remain relevant, upscale you skill set consistently.
All this may not sound “financial” or “strategic” suggestions prima facie.
My thoughts are not restricted to industry jargon.
Believe me these are life lessons that will make your current life so bright, that will create a huge spillover on your future as well.
YOU combined with your NOW will give you the best future.
Take informed decisions now to plan a stable and secure future.
Try these ideas and let me know the impact of them on your life.
I would be glad to be a part of your journey towards a bright future.
Begin your long-term goal achievements right now, right here with me.
My expertise and experience can lead to your financial freedom.
Thank you for reading! :)