The #1 Thing to Start a Career Change!

I still remember how overwhelmed and frustrated I felt when I was in front of a major life decision - to change my career or not.

I had a great international corporate career and truly enjoyed it. But after almost 20 years of strategic and organizational changes, the time was ripe…

I wasn’t loving my job like I used to.

I was bored but knew I could do more and help so many people...

The time was ripe, but was I ready for a change?

I had two options:

- Remain unfulfilled in my current career

- Go for a new position and become my own boss

It was frustrating.

But then I received great advice from one of my business friends that changed my life forever.

"You have to dream it first, to be able to make it your reality."

It was a light bulb moment. I know about that!

Being a certified coach, I teach my clients to find out about their long-term aspirations. What they desire and dream about, and what they would like to achieve?

How come that I forgot about it?

It’s natural that in situations like career or business change we tend to forget what our personal purpose is.

Why do we decide to take the path we did?

Why are we even considering the change?

Not knowing what your next career or business move will be is normal and totally understandable. Being aware of this fact is the first step in the process!

What helped me immensely in making a bold career move, was to create a plan. A personal plan.

Most people only work on strategic planning and project planning but never take the time to make their own career plan.

Your own plan is the most important and brilliant plan you can create. As it is YOUR own development plan, it opens the opportunity to do what you love and love what you do.

If you don't establish this as a priority in your life, someone else will.

If this was helpful, let me know in the comments below.

I’d love to hear from you.

Big hug Simona

P.S. If you are currently faced with a decision about changing your career, I have a free pdf that will help you plan your new career in 5 easy steps. You can download it here:


Simona Spilak, MSc的更多文章

