Simon is letting his people know he needs help. A Voice For Pets.


Simon is a beautiful cat who has been with his family the seven years of his life. He has had many health challenges since his youth, including perineal urethrostomy which resulted in his penis being cut off. He has had a bacterial eye infection, is constantly sneezing, occasional accidents outside his litter box and recently doesn’t want to wear his vest to go outside.


Simon told me, “I am wild; I cannot be tamed in my body – my spirit flies – and again -- I am wild.” He added, “I see in circles.” I asked him to explain what he meant by, I see in circles. And he said, “I twirl around.” His person told me he does twirl and it is almost like he gets confused.


Simon went on to say, “In the home, I am king, the boss of all others.” Before I started to give his person the results of the reading, she used the words, “He is king.” Simon told me, “I dominate Tank.” Tank is the other cat in the house. Then he told me, “Sy is a poor kitty. He was mistreated.” I thought Sy was another cat in the home, but his person told me, “No, Sy was a nickname for Simon and perhaps Sy/Simon was thinking of his medical treatment as a youngster.”


Simon has a favorite chair that he likes to sleep in. They have big cushions he kneads to soften so he can curl up in them. His person told me the chair he is referring to is one her husband sits in and as soon as he leaves, Simon hops on and enjoys a nap.


I asked Simon, “What does who you are feel like in your body?” He told me, “I feel like a ball being batted in me, back and forth. I’m dizzy with the ball. I don’t know where to go or what to do. It makes me make mistakes.” I asked him, “What may you need to improve what you are feeling?” and he told me, “Get the ball out!” My thought is there might be something neurological going on and his person has some alternative practitioners she will ask to check Simon out.


The body scan showed tension between his eyes, pressure on top of his nose, and tension on his right hip. There was also extreme itching on his chest, which may be the cause of his resistance to the harness. And his person will try a harness that doesn’t go across his chest.


With all of Simon’s indications of things that need exploring, his person is at work looking for more answers. I am grateful she has new avenues to look at and help her beloved Simon come back to the life that is his.


As an update, Simon has had energy work done and is acting more like normal. He has another appointment to check for blockages in his mind and body. Give your pet a voice.?


Barbara G. Royal (Animal Communicator - Worldwide)的更多文章