Simon Says
Chima Ezeilo
Founder, FunDonor - A fun space for influencers to engage with their fans to raise money for charity.
I met Simon Squibb again on Saturday 25 January in Shoreditch at his 'Dream' wall. We had a long chat. He told me our FunDonor dream was awesome, an amazing idea and that it just needed one big influencer to come on board for it to take off. I asked if he would be that influencer. He said I should send him a proposal outlining my ask. He also gave me some priceless advice. It left me thinking, wow.... Simon Squibb asked me for a proposal! I sent him the proposal today by email and will attend his next book launch in Manchester this Wednesday, 5 February to present a hard copy to him. Fingers crossed.
Please continue to share our FunDonor & 50,000 Voices explainer video. Click the link. We are always open to positive feedback. If you have a concern or question let us know.?