Simon "Said", I Listened & It Worked.
Simon Sinek

Simon "Said", I Listened & It Worked.

I wasn't always a fan of Simon. In fact, I was what you could call a Simon Cynic.

I thought here comes yet another person telling us what to do, how to do it and why it's important. As a native New Yorker, my skepticism was big and my cynicism was bigger.

I grew up as a kid listening to, and playing Simon Says. As I got older, I began listening to, and playing a bigger game called "my life" while still listening to a different Simon - except this time however, he wasn't plastic but still just as colorful...of course I am speaking of Mr. Sinek.

When I first came across Simon almost 10 years ago I wasn't convinced. I thought, "here we go again with the same thing spun differently" but I was pleasantly surprised to follow his messages and create value from his presentations all the while developing some great best practices.

Simon's contribution to elevating powerful presentations but also how to embrace and boost your company's overall performance has been a life saver for me. I have watched his talks, listened to his interviews and studied his presentations. There's a lot that you can learn from what he shares.

Here are my biggest takeaways based on his own words and how you can apply them on the stage of your life:

"Don’t talk right away"

Most people despise silence especially when it's awkward, as he once mentioned to never rush your presentation or speaking. He couldn't be more correct. The audience will not just pick up on your energy but will feed off it and if they don't like how it tastes - they will spit it and you out. Learning to be with the unknown, let alone life's silence take practice but some simple mindfulness training or even yoga is a great place to begin learning. Sometimes great ideas as well as opportunities don't knock but whisper - make sure you are listening.

"Show up to give, not to take"

People are innately intuitive beings - granted some more than others but intuitive nonetheless. Why is this important? It means people can sense, smell or detect when something feels off, funny or downright sketchy. When presenting you never want to overtly sell yourself but rather teach, share or give away something so that others are open and interested in your message. In life, no one likes a know it all or one-upper. If you can't forward a conversation or allow someone else the spotlight, then you are best saying nothing and just move on.

"Make eye contact with audience members one by one"

Much has been written on this topic around connecting with your audience when presenting and the basic do's and don'ts to a successful read of the room. I believe the same holds true in life in general when you are speaking one on one or within a group. Making sincere and genuine eye contact with another person not only shows you are interested but tells them they are worth it. It's actually an incredible gift you can give another person and it doesn't cost a penny. Let's be clear though, I am not talking about a creepy blank stare, but rather one with emotion and interest. For many, this level of intimacy can be off-putting but once you get past that - true connectivity awaits and it's priceless.

"Ignore the naysayers"

Simon has said this on a few different occasions and although it's nothing new, it's totally valid and important. There will always be haters and people who want to see you fail. This spite is due to their own insecurities and jealousy and nothing to do with you specifically. Many times, the person doesn't even know you. Focus on the people who are rooting for you and pushing you up, not holding you down and back. In the end, it requires the same amount of energy to focus on a naysayer versus a do-gooder.

"Say thank you when you’re done"

I love how he mentions the importance of acknowledging those who acknowledge you. This is a common courtesy but sadly not a common practice. Make it one. Show appreciation and affection for those important to you, they will value you for it and you will increase your personal value along the way.

"Speak on what you know and care about"

Similar to number two above, when you speak on things you either don't know or don't care about - it can become painfully obvious and is a turn off. Resist the temptation to follow the crowd or push content just because. I have learned as a writer that it's better to write nothing than trying to write on something I don't really care about. Be authentic can and will look different to each person but if something doesn't feel right, then listen to the warning signs. They're everywhere but you have to look and listen for them.

The floor is yours: What (motivational) figure has changed your perspective on life?

Please leave your comment below as your insights are greatly appreciated and a learning opportunity for everyone reading this article.

With leadership,

Joshua /

Please 'Follow' if you would like to hear more from me in the future.

Other recent and popular posts from Joshua Miller: 11 Ways To Spot Authentic Leadership ? 15 Things You Should Never Apologize For ? 10 Traits Highly Confident Women Exude ? How To Cultivate Happiness Like The Dalai Lama ?5 Steps To Removing Negative People From Your Life ? 7 Phrases That Kill All Brainstorming Sessions ? 6 Reasons Why You Should Join A Mastermind Group ? How To Improve Your Executive Presence And Command A Room ? 8 Types Of Coworkers Who Can Derail Your Productivity 

Colin Bell

Freelance trainer, consultant, technical author

7 年

"What you do serves as the proof of what you believe" is clearly untrue, though. It should probably be suffixed by, "as long as you live in a reasonably free society where you are at liberty to do what you want, and there aren't laws against doing what you believe, and as long as you are not suppressing your own beliefs for the sake of monetary gain or for the greater good or just because you feel like it". That probably wouldn't make such a snappy intro to a TED talk though.

Amy Wallin

CEO at Linked VA

7 年

Food for thought, Joshua! I’m glad I came across your article. If you are a good leader, you should also be a good listener. You absorb, understand and consider ideas and points of view from other people without debating and arguing every point. In order to have an effective communication and problem solving, team leaders and members need the discipline to listen first before speaking up.

Mary Patry PCC

Executive Leadership Coach | ICF Professional Certified Coach | Bates ExPI? Certified | Former IT Executive and CIO | Committed to helping technology leaders achieve their goals.

7 年

I am a huge Simon Sinek fan. Maybe even a groupie in a professional sort of way. There are too many of his quotes to mention but the one that pops to my mind first today was "The leaders who get the most out of their people are the leaders who care most about their people.” Joshua you are become someone that inspires me as well. Your courage to voice your position is welcomed.

Carla Schoof

Communications & Community Engagement -County of San Mateo

7 年

Listening takes focus and practice. Team meetings are a great place to start-- For those not familiar with Simon Sinek start with his TED Talk -How Great leaders inspire action (golden circle/start with Why?)


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