Similarities between Sales and Recruiting

Similarities between Sales and Recruiting

Sales and Recruiting are very similar functions. Sales Development Representative and Recruiters rely on the data for lead generation,(sourcing in recruiting) & engagement.

Listing some of the common similarities between Sales and Recruiting.

Lead Generation:

SDRs generate leads through Sales CRMs, LinkedIn, and other Social media platforms and nurture them.

Recruiters generate leads through Job Boards, Linkedin, employee referrals, etc, and put them through the interview process.


SDRs demo their product/ solution and explain how they solve the customer needs

Recruiters pitch Job descriptions to the candidates and sell the role, company, etc...


The sales cycle goes through multiple rounds of evaluation from different stakeholders

The recruiting cycle goes through multiple rounds of the interview process from different stakeholders


Sales people negotiate the deal with the companies on various components like recurring revenue, Add On's / Integrations, etc.

Recruiters and candidates negotiate on the proposed compensation and components like Fixed CTC, joining Bonus, etc...

What is more common& critical for both Sales & Recruiting professionals to be successful is.

  1. Reliable data
  2. Personalized Outreach & Engagement
  3. Automation

Reliable Data:

For both Sales and Recruiting it's all about the funnel. If the funnel is built on the most qualified and relevant leads, conversions will be better.?

Personalized Outreach & Engagement.

One of the common problems recruiters and SDRs face is a lack of response from their potential leads. Cutting through spam and getting attention from prospects is harder. For eg: the Job board offers a candidate database that every recruiter is eyeing and the candidates who register on the Job board are spammed with emails and calls.

The only way to get the attention of these prospects is to nurture and build relationships through personalized engagement. More open rates lead to more conversions.


People are extremely busy. There is very less probability that your first email gets the attention of the prospect. Automation tools enable recruiters & SDRs to automate their emails (Drip) and schedule the content based on open & click rates.

While Campaigns are not new for Sales professionals, recruiters are yet to leverage the tech stack of automated outreach and personalized engagement.



