Similarities Between AWS VPC and Cisco SDA – Intra-Subnet Communication

Similarities Between AWS VPC and Cisco SDA – Intra-Subnet Communication

Update March 6, 2020: This post will be obsolete soon by a new version


This article explains the similarities between a LISP/VXLAN based Campus Fabric and AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) from the Intra-Subnet Control-Plane and Data-Plane operation perspective. The AWS VPC solution details are not publicly available and the information included in this article is based on the author's own study using publically available AWS VPC documentation. 

There are two main reasons for writing this document: 

First, Cisco SDA is an on-prem LAN model while the AWS VPC is an off-prem DC solution. I wanted to point out that these two solutions, even though used for very different purposes, use the same kind of Control-Plane operation and Data-Plane encapsulation and are managed via QUI. This is kind of my answer to ever going discussion about is there DC-networks, Campus-networks and so on, or is there just networks.

Second, my own curiosity to understand the operation of AWS VPC.

This article is cross-posted to my blog

I usually start by introducing the example environment and then explaining the configuration, moving to Control-Plane operation and then to Data-Plane operation. However, this time I take a different approach. This article first introduces the example environment but then the Data-Plane operation is discussed before Control-Plane operation. This way it is easier to understand what information is needed and how that information is gathered.

Campus Fabric: Host Connectivity

Host-A and Host-B are both attached to the same subnet (VLAN 10). Host-A, connected to Edge Sw-1 in building A, has an IP address and Host-B connected to Edge Sw-2 in building B, has an IP address The Service Instance-Id for the network is 1000. Edge Sw-1 has an RLOC IP address and Edge Sw-2 has an RLOC The IP address

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Figure 1-1: Campus Fabric - Host Connectivity.

AWS VPC: Host Connectivity 

EC2 Instance A (EC2-A) and EC2 Instance B (EC2-B) are both attached to the same subnet (Availability Zone 1000). EC2-A, launched in Host-A, has an IP address attached to its Elastic Network Interface 1 (ENI-1) and EC2-B, launched in Host-B, has an IP address attached to its Elastic Network Interface 2 (ENI-2). The Service Instance-Id for the network is 1000. There is a software router in both physical hosts, Router-1 in Host-A and Router-2 in Host-B. Host-A has an IP address and Host-B has an IP address Note, the AWS VPC public documentation does not tell if there is an additional L2SW in between the ENI and Software Router. However, that information is not so important from this article's perspective.

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Figure 1-2: AWS VPC - EC2 Instance Connectivity.

Campus Fabric: The Underlay Network and the Mapping System

Edge Switch-1 and Edge Switch-2 are connected to IPv4 only Underlay Network. In addition, there is a Mapping System (MS) that is responsible for (A) storing Endpoint Identity (EID) to Remote Locator (RLOC) mapping information (EID-to-RLOC) and (B) Publish the information when requested by edge switches. The basic IP addressing scheme is shown in figure 1-3.

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Figure 1-3:  Campus Fabric – The underlay Network and the Mapping System.

AWC VPC: The Underlay Network and the Mapping Service

Software Router-1 and Software Router-2 are connected to Underlay Network. In addition, there is a Mapping Service (MS) that is responsible for (A) Publish the EC2 Instance location information when queried by Software Routers (original queries are originated and needed by some other EC2 Instances). The basic IP addressing scheme is shown in figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4: AWS VPC - The underlay Network and the Mapping Service.

Figure 1-4: AWS VPC - The underlay Network and the Mapping Service.

As this section illustrates the basic building blocks in both LISP-based Campus Fabric and AWS VPC are basically the same regardless of the naming standards and the usage of either virtual or physical hardware. The next section explains the Data-Plane operation focusing on encapsulation.

Campus Fabric: Data-Plane Tunnel Encapsulation

Figure 1-5 illustrates the situation where Host-A in building-A wants to communicate with Host-B in building-B. To keep things simple, the MAC/IP address resolution process as well as EID-to-RLOC Registration/Request processes are left out from the figure. These processes are explained later in the Control-Plane section.

When Edge Sw-1 receives the ICMP-Request message originated by Host-A with the destination IP address of Host-B, it makes the destination MAC-address lookup from the MAC-Address table. Because the lookup result is negative, it checks if the destination MAC-address is installed into LISP Mapping Cache. As said earlier, the EID-to-RLOC Mapping/Request processes are done so there is a mapping entry in the LISP Mapping-Cache of Edge Sw-1. Based on the information found in the LISP Mapping-Cache, Edge Sw-1 wraps the original ICMP packet inside tunnel headers. The Outer MAC address header includes its own MAC address and the destination MAC address is the next-hop-router MAC address (Router-3 on the Underlay Network). The outer source IP address is its own RLOC IP address and the destination IP address is the RLOC IP address of Edge Sw-2. The transport layer protocol is UDP with a randomly selected source port and with the destination port 4789 (reserved for VXLAN). The VN-Id, which describest the tenant, is set to 1000. Though not explained earlier, Host-A is identified by using Scalable Group Tag (SGT), and the access policy is based on the SGT instead of the Host-A IP address. Just as a side note, there is also the “Do not Learn” bit set, which means that the remote switch should not learn the source MAC address of the sender from the receives packet.

The core routers in an Underlay Network forwards VXLAN encapsulated ICMP-Request message based on the destination IP address of the outer IP header. When the Edge Sw-2 receives the encapsulated ICMP message, it notifies that the outer destination IP address is its own RLOC IP address. It processes the tunnel headers. Based on the UDP destination port 4789, it knows that the next header is the VXLAN header. From the VXLAN header VN-Id value 1000, it knows that this packet belongs to tenant attached to VN-Id 1000. It verifies that the SGT value 77 is allowed to communicate with host-B, and then it switches the original ICMP message to Host-B.

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Figure 1-5: Campus Fabric – Data-Plane VXLAN Tunnel Encapsulation.

AWS VPC: Data-Plane Tunnel Encapsulation

Disclaimer! This section, including text and figure 1-6, is not based on any AWS VPC public documentation. It is 100% based on the author’s own research and assumptions. Do not take this as fact information.

Figure 1-6 illustrates the situation where EC2-A running in Host-A wants to communicate with EC2-B launched in Host-B. Again, the MAC/IP address resolution is left out. AWS VPC public documentation includes only high-level information about the VPC tunneling encapsulation. However, there naturally is an outer Ethernet header as well as the outer IP header. The outer source IP address in the address of the sending physical host while the outer destination IP address is the address of the physical host where the target EC2-B instance is running. The public documentation does not include information which one TCP or UDP is used as a transport protocol. Then there is a VPC header, which neither structure nor information carried within, is not documented in a public AWS documentation. However, in order to receive physical server Host-B is able to forward the ICMP-Request to EC2-B, it should know (A) the VPC identifier used in this VPC, (B) the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) Identifier attached to EC2-B and (C) the Security Group value. Otherwise, it does not know to which VPC the message should be forwarded to, to which ENI and is the connection allowed by the security policy. There might be the same kind of “Do Not learn” information used to prevent address learning from received tunneled data packets than what is used with VXLAN encapsulation, as well as some reserved bits for future use. This, however, is the author's own assumptions.

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Figure 1-6: AWS VPC – Data-Plane VPC Tunnel Encapsulation.

This section discusses of VXLAN and AWS VPC tunnel encapsulation. The next section describes the processes of how this information is (A) published to Mapping-System and (B) how the Edge Switches in Campus Fabric solution and the Software Routers in physical hosts get that information.

Campus Fabric: LISP EID-to-RLOC Registration Process

Figure 1-7 illustrates the situation where Host-B boots up send a GARP message (L2 Broadcast) to verify the uniqueness of its IP address and inform the network of its existence. Edge Sw-2 learns the MAC address of Host-B from the ingress GARP message. This triggers the LISP EID-to-RLOC Registration process. It sends a Map-Register message to Mapping System. The message contains the Mapping-Record (MR) that describes the host IP address an Instance-Id, which together forms an End-User Id (EID). The MR also includes additional information such as the period of validity of this particular mapping. The message also carries Locator-Record (LR) that describes the Remote Locator (RLOC) IP address of the Edge Sw-2 that is the advertising last-hop-router. There is also information related to security and redundancy among other things.

The Mapping System has two functional components from the LISP perspective. The Map-Server is the component that is responsible for saving received LISP EID-to-RLOC Map-Register into Mapping-Database after a successful validity check. Figure 1-7 also shows the EID-to-RLOC mapping entry in Mapping Systems Mapping Database. It shows that the IP address is registered by (Edge Sw-2). Note that the example is done by using CSR1000v that only supports IP service, the ethernet service is not supported.

Note! The actual registration process is explained in detail in my book “LISP Control-Plane in Campus Fabric” (Amazon and Leanpub).

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Figure 1-7: Campus Fabric - LISP EID-to-RLOC Registration Process.

AWS VPC: EC2 Instance Registration Process

Disclaimer! This section, including text and figure 1-8, is not based on any AWS VPC public documentation. It is 100% based on the author’s own research and assumptions on how the EC2 Instance registration process might work. Do not take this as fact information. The Mapping Service is totally transparent to AWS customers and there is no public documentation available at the time of writing.

The AWS VPC Data-Plane section describes the basic information used in the AWS VPC tunneling. Based on the information needed to build a VPC tunnel encapsulated packet, it can be assumed that this information has to also be registered to Mapping Service by software router component running on a physical host and published to other hosts by Mapping System itself. The registration can be assumed to include information about the MAC and IP address bind to Elastic Network Interface (ENI) that in turn is attached to EC2-B. In addition, there has to be informed about the VPC Identifier and the IP address of the physical host where EC2-B instance is running. It can also be assumed that there is some security information related to message validity, the lifetime of the mapping and so on. Figure 1-8 illustrates the registration message and the Mapping-Service database entry in the same format that was used with the LISP EID-to-RLOC Map-Register section.

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Figure 1-8: AWS VPC – EC2 Instance Registration Process.

Campus Fabric: LISP EID-to-RLOC Map-Request Process

Figure 1-9 explains the LISP EID-to-RLOC Map-Request process. Host-A wants to communicate the first time with Host-B so Host-A sends an ARP-Request message (L2 Broadcast) to resolve IP/MAC address mapping of Host-B. When Edge Sw-1 receives the message it answers by sending an ARP-Reply using its own distributed Anycast-MAC address. The first ingress ARP-Request also triggers a LISP EID-to-RLOC Request process because Edge Sw-1 does not know how to forward data to destination Edge Sw-1 sends the Map-Request message to Mapping-System where Edge Sw-1 asks what is the last-hop-router to host with the IP address To be more specific, the message is sent to the Map-Resolver (MR) component of Mapping-System. The Mapping-System makes a Mappin-Database lookup, and since the Edge Sw-2 has published the information, the lookup result is hit. The Map-Resolver then sends a Map-Reply message as an answer to Map-Request to Edge Sw-1. Edge Sw-1 stores the EID-to-RLOC Mapping information into LISP Mapping-Cache. When Host-A sends the next data packet, Edge Sw-1 forwards it based on the information found from Mapping-Cache. This is done by encapsulating the original message inside VXLAN tunnel headers where the destination IP address the RLOC address of Edge Sw-2 and the VN-Id is 1000.

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Figure 1-9: Campus Fabric - LISP EID-to-RLOC Request Process.

AWS VPC: Instance-to-Server Map-Request Process

Figure 1-10 illustrates the assumed Instance-to-Location Map-Request process. The whole Map-Request process follows the same principles as what was seen in the LISP map-request process described in the previous section. Software Router-1 answers to ARP-Request message and then request the Instance-to-Location mapping information from Mapping Service (MS). Mapping Service knows the requested mapping information because it has received registration from Software Router-2. MS replies to Software Router-1 with the message where it describes the location (physical server IP address) and its attached Elastic Network Interface Identifier. (ENI-Id). Software Router-1 stores the mapping information into the local cache database.

This process makes it possible to deliver the Instance-to-Location mapping only for those locations where the information is needed.

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Figure 1-10: AWS VPC – EC2 Instance to Server Request Process.


From the Data-Plane and Control-Plane perspective, the intra-subnet switching process in both LISP based Campus Fabric and AWS VPC solutions are look alike. Both solutions use some kind of centralized storage for location information that is formed based on information received from last-hop-routers. Both solutions also publish the mapping information only when asked, and the information is stored locally into mapping cache by the requester to avoid unnecessary reoccurring request processes. In addition, the Data-Plane on both solutions uses tunnel encapsulation which carries tenant (VNI/VPC) information within encapsulation headers. The Broadcast messages are also terminated into first-hop routers/switches.


[RFC 6830]    D. Farinacci et al., “The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)”, RFC 6830, January 2013.

[RFC 6833]     V. Fuller and D. Farinacci., “Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Map-Server Interface”, RFC 6833, January 2013.

[LISP Control Plane]     D. Farinacci et al., “The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Control Plane”, draft-ietf-lisp-rdc6833bis-25, June 16, 2019.

What Is Amazon VPC:

AWS re:Invent 2015 | (NET403) Another Day, Another Billion Packets:

AWS re:Invent 2017: Another Day, Another Billion Flows (NET405):

LISP Control-Plane in Campus Fabric:A Practical Guide to Understand the Operation of Campus Fabric, Toni Pasanen, 17 February 2020, ISBN-13: 979-8615059186


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