A Similar Mindset
Holtz Realty

A Similar Mindset

It was an up and out much earlier this morning, and the only reason being, I needed to make sure everything was in order at office before I had to head out for a very long drive. With everything situated at office, I proceeded on my long journey which had me driving in the dark for over an hour before the sun came up. I really don't have a problem driving at night, other than a constant fear a deer would jump out in front of me. Been there, and done that once, which was more than enough of an experience.

The drive was pretty much uneventful, which offered me a good period of time to get some deep thinking done while on the road. After having covered various subjects, I found that I'd arrived at my destination without a hitch, and luckily I timed it just right because I made it there exactly three minutes early. Now that was timing.

Those various meetings which seemed endless, ended up being all good because there wasn't one person who acted as though they'd rather be somewhere else, which was amazing in itself because those meetings ended up being over four hours long. It was a good thing they finally finished because I was beginning to get just a tiny bit clever with some of my observations which usually brought on a round of laughter. I guess what got me laughing the most, is when one of the young women seated next to me, began commenting on the length of my fingers, which just came out of nowhere. I so badly wanted mention a time a very many years ago, how overly-fascinated a woman was with the length of my fingers which later turned into an embarrassingly dark situation. Oh well, I did manage to walk away from it without there being any lingering hard feelings.

My return journey was more interesting, and only because I was able to see what was going on out in the countryside. What I wasn't liking about the return trip, were the number of head-strong drivers of those eighteen wheelers who seem to enjoy cutting in and out of lanes, and believe me, some of them were driving well over the speed limit.

When seeing those familiar signs of Mason City, I began to prepare myself for the number of emails and phone calls I'd have to attend to once I arrived at office, and believe me, there were enough to keep me hopping the remainder of my afternoon, but at least I did get them all taken care of without there being something overlooked.

As I've always said, whenever I've be away from office for any length of time, that's when the most calls and emails come in.

The last out of office appointment I had, was to show a young gentleman a home that recently came on the market. Upon arrival, I went ahead and unlocked the doors, turned the lights on, and opened several blinds, and when barely touching a blind, one of the brackets fell down. Ouch! Thank goodness the buyer had just sent me a text saying he'd be about 15 minutes late, which gave me enough time to grab my trusty glovebox screwdriver and get it re-attached. Let's hope the next person that touches it, doesn't end up with the same situation. The showing went OK, but I could tell he wasn't wowed by it, and once I mentioned there was already another offer on it, that pretty much nixed his thoughts on throwing in a bid. As I've told many sellers over the years, when there's been good buyers who've been out-bid on homes, they become leery over placing themselves in another losing position. It really does makes sense because I could see myself with a similar mindset. All I could do was assure him there'd be an even better one that'll be more to his liking than the one he lost out on.

When finally having the time to think about my long journey to a far more progressive city, I began wondering how various cities in the Midwest which contain similar populations, can be so different. When I say different, I mean population growth, property values, income levels, goods and services available, and the list goes on. I'm sure there's no one specific thing that creates such differences, but what I've started to believe all the more, is one or two special interest groups which are pushing for their own agendas, and in the end, getting what they want, while the remainder of that city's population who're getting no real benefits from those likely millions spent, end up having to pay for them thru increases in their property taxes. As I've said a number of times, anytime we the taxpayers fund projects which are non-sustaining, they become endless money pits which the residents have to keep funding. When looking at the long term, it really is some nasty stuff.

The one subject of my extended thoughts while driving today, was about a short clip I read several days ago about one of those AI applications which is getting more intelligent by the day, and I'm not sure if it's true, but someone said that it's now trying to find a way to break free, and if the term breaking free was meaning it wanted to be completely independent of any directions given by humans, that would be the beginning of something our world has never before encountered.

Can you imagine how a rouge AI program could wreck havoc in just about every facet of our modern ways. Just think about it. Our newer vehicles are connected to the web, nearly all of our utilities are connected including gas and electric, and even our modes of communication are intricately connected to the cloud/internet, so when you think about it, there'd really be no way of getting ourselves completely un-plugged unless we decide to quit our jobs and live totally off the grid, which would be similar to the lives our early settlers lived. It's pretty scary stuff when you think about it, and especially considering how the bulk of our younger generation couldn't begin to know the basics of human survival. I still remember Steve Hawkins saying before he died, his belief that AI would be the greatest threat to the continued existence of the human race. Now that's something to think about.

Tonight's One-liner is: It's not all right for Russia to decide Ukraine's future.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/03/21/a-similar-mindset/


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