Silliness Rules

Silliness Rules

Well, the best laid plans oft go kaput, now, don't they?

I mean, you can map out the perfect college visit trip and line up tours in an orderly and logistically logical fashion... and then it'll pour like the dickens under a cold, dank sky the entire time you're schlepping around campuses. Hmpf.

Or, you can make the homemade wedding soup, sauce, lasagna, bread (including an extra loaf for the homemade croutons), veggie bake and get the ham in the oven at just the right time and temp for serving a holiday feast ... and the electricity will go out just before dinner time and smash the whole scene like a hard-boiled egg shell. More hmpf.

Or, you can find the perfect little shoes that complement your new dress impeccably to offset the belt, jacket and tights that will top off your brand new outfit for Mass just right ... and as you get ready to jump in the car to leave; they are nowhere to be found. #wheretheheckdidiputthose Grr and final hmpf. 

Guess what? If these are our biggest troubles in life...we are blessed beyond imagination. Here are some tips for embracing the missteps in life:

  • Laugh when you drop the pickle jar on the garage floor; at least you have the hose right handy.
  • Chuckle when you trip up the steps and spill your coffee all over your new jeans; the good Lord invented SHOUT wipes for a reason.
  • Snicker when you realize, after your third trip to the supermarket, that you STILL forgot the paper towels. Heck, you may just stumble upon something else you really, really needed in the $1 bin on trip #4.
  • Smile when you lock yourself out of the house; someone's bound to come home sooner or later.

Sweating the small stuff never caused an ounce of weight loss ... nor any other good outcome, either, so you might as well stop. #sillinessrules


