Silicon Crack Cocaine

Silicon Crack Cocaine

We live in turbulent times. No need to list the obvious, we are all aware of political uncertainty which will inevitably impact trading conditions over the next year. This will create opportunities and challenges in equal measure. Spotting both is a big challenge and one that if we are successful in judging correctly will strengthen our position and outcomes.

I spend a lot of time considering social changes. I had a long conversation with my 13-year-old son last night about why he should not have signed up for twitter and YouTube. This was more helpful for me than it was for him. He is 13 and sees me as a blocker to the fun that he believes he is missing out on. I empathise with him as many of his friends are on these platforms and he doesn’t want to be left out. When I was a kid I at times had an earlier curfew than my friends, I guess this is an evolution of the same thing. The content he had shared to date was not offensive, but it was also not a digital footprint that I feel he would be happy to leave in the future. He is too young. As adults perhaps, we should give stronger thought to what we share, like or comment on. After all any perspective customers, employers or other contacts can see all of this information if they are researching us prior to a meeting. I have considered removing my profiles from all platforms but that can raise its own suspicions and cost opportunities.

One of my pet hates is the amateur expert. This goes beyond the online community and is a result of having google at arm’s reach 24/7. People settle arguments in which they are guessing with a quick google search and of course when they find an opinion that matches their own they are validated as being right. This extends to blogs, vlogs, tweets, podcasts and other media. I am very cautious of the source of information when so much is available and so little accountability is placed on the creator. We have a huge population of people who are willing to tell you how to diet, cook, do DIY, invest, exercise, find love, interview, sell and even think. I haven’t even started to scratch the surface. The popular online vloggers have contagious personalities, I can’t comment on experience or depth of research, but I am sure it varies dramatically.

My son has a number of favourite ‘youtubers’. Most of the accounts he watches make their videos popular by giving video game tips and amusing teenagers. The content is not regulated as far as I can see but it has a big influence on our young people. I have at times banned my lad from watching it, but he is 14 next month, how long can I shield him from the digital world which will throw up plenty of opportunities to him in the future and he must become fluent within. Whenever I watch these videos I cringe at the way the people conduct themselves and cannot understand the appeal to teenagers, a sure sign that I am becoming older than I perhaps feel.

Back to LinkedIn, one of the most fascinating things on LinkedIn is the choice of profile photo’s. There are some very interesting ones. I frequently see well paid professionals with photographs which I personally feel discredit their own professionalism. As a recruitment professional I spend more time than I would like on LinkedIn and probably notice the trend more than people in other professions. I think perhaps people don’t give their photo a great deal of thought, but they should.

Technology is doing a great deal of damage just as it does a great deal of good at the same time. Apple have launched a screentime feature that many people I have spoken to are not aware of. If you have the update you can see how your screen time compares to the average iPhone user. I was horrified to see my screen time was over 2 hours 30 minutes a few weeks ago when I found the app. The average user was over 2 hours higher than me. More than 25% of the average waking hours for the average iPhone user! That is mental. The app is good as it allows you to limit the amount of time you can spend on each category of applications. I have done this and feel more productive for it. If the apps lock because I have exhausted my time I find something else to do. Tidy the man draw, clean my car out, read a book, call a loved one, it’s all more productive than scrolling through other people’s photographs on Instagram.

The overload of useless information is debilitating, the constant distraction of having a smart phone is not healthy. I described it as silicon crack to a friend the other day when we were speaking about the average screen time. I honestly feel that social media and now online gambling are a dangerous epidemic. Perhaps the existence of the former had a major influence on the outcome of the referendum. Disenfranchised people listening to unqualified opinions and wondering why they weren’t living like a Kardashian. I know that is extreme, but minds are being force fed junk food. We are a confused species and I personally believe those who are impacted by the negative aspects of technology the most live less fulfilling lives than they would have had they been born 40 years earlier.

So, my own objective for 2019 is how I can be brighter about when I do and don’t use technology, how I can help to guide my children through the same journey and make the most of this short trip that we all have on planet earth. I have wasted too much time, no need to continue that path.

Nancy Cully

Be Fearlessly Authentic

6 年

Great article!! Taking time to dis-connect is really a good thing. People have become to dependent on their cell phones. There is a whole world out there to discover and the majority of us are missing out for the simple fact we are to busy looking down at our phone texting or checking messages.

Kiritis C.

Petroleum Engineer at Ministry of Energy

6 年

Thank you for sharing this many persons are oblivious to the effects of technology/ social media.......... it’s so sad

A. Katrina Curneil

Client Relations Manager ? Automotive Sales

6 年
Marc-Yndy P.

Personal trainer, Contract trainer for Hotels/Condos

6 年

Well put. I had to do the same.


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