Silent Whispers
mohana kelkar
Manager business development GIIS Dubai | Managing Director and Founder at MonAcademix Educational
Oh really! I exclaimed and then contained my reactions to a conversation with an early bird. Reaching early to set up gives an opportunity to have conversations with the early birds. The most important 10 minutes before the participants arrive.
Walls have ears I’ve read but here they talk to me. Be it in the library,conference room or a classroom.
“Psst, it is an amazing lot you’re gonna deal with today”. I looked around to see if there's anyone but quickly knew the distinct voice. The walls were alive and they wanted to have a quick chat.
“You know what, we want to hear more buzz here” he said. “we want them to come and delve into the bravados of the past heroes of history, feel the power of some fantastic story tellers which would transport them into an imagination far and beyond. See a few reels which would spark a quest”. Suddenly I hear “Good Morning”, like I am in a tunnel and then I realize that I was in conversation at a different level. The walls were talking to me.
Yes, they do, whenever I enter a school they begin to whisper amongst themselves first and then they begin their mission with a smile. Well it passes away with paranoid glances at times when I have shared this with my family and friends.
I could hear a loud whisper now, “and oh! Pleeese rearrange these stories so that the children and teachers and parents can see the cover and want to pick a book to take home. Can you please tell the keeper to smile a little more and share some of her wonderful read-ventures with the children? She is an avid reader you know, Can we possibly have it open to the parents who know their children’s likes. I heard some mums today saying they would love to spend some time with me here”. They all were shaking their heads in unison as each of them spoke.
I just possibly had a minute left before the session and went on to face the audience who was waiting to interact. I got a smile which I returned but quickly got back and began with the Ice breaker. The library was buzzing with activity, interactions and I received a thumbs up from ….you guessed it right…