The Silent Majority

The Silent Majority

A team setting has a mix of the vocally expressive and low key behind the scenes individuals. Each of these two categories of the team play key roles in the overall productivity and output.

Teams should have room to accommodate the vocal and less vocal individuals

The vocal category have a way of voicing their opinions, contributions and milestones where at times they get misjudged or stereotyped as cocky and arrogant. On the other hand the low key and awkwardly silent category of individuals love working behind the scenes without expressing their creativity and milestones. vocally. Instead they prefer their results to do the talking for them.

The mix of these two categories and also those that 'sit on the fence' highlights the diversity of personalities and habits in a team setting. Team leaders should be aware of this fact while considering how to strike a blend of all these in a productive manner.

The vocal individuals are usually the minority in the team but are considered for opportunities and promotions die to their social nature. The low-key majority are frequently overlooked even in performance appraisals and during placements for leadership positions.

We need to understand that even though the less vocal group is the majority, their views, contributions and performance needs to be considered. They shouldn't be intimated or victimized for not being expressive. Organizations should build a trust driven open environment that motivates them to contribute more and have a psychological safety net.

The silent majority are known to be creative and critical thinkers. They also have the advantage of paying attention to detail because they are not easily distracted. An organization should also nurture a culture of respect between the vocal minority and low-key majority categories. Respect builds deeper collaboration and also eliminates the silo mentality within the groups.

You can't force the introverts to be extroverts and vice versa. Each of them brings value to the team dynamic and they need to be aware of that fact.

Have employee engagement sessions and experiences that accommodate both the introverts and extroverts which in the long-run reinforces collective accountability and problem solving.

Enhance cross-functional and inter-personal collaboration

An organization is as strong and resolute as its team.

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