Silence a period of Introspection
To remain silent and introspect requires a lot of fortitude and inner strength. when you question your inner self on your set of principles, walk of life and progress it gives innate answers, compelling sometimes hard to accept. was told people who meditate and do yoga have this trait but for a layman like me, it is moments of solitude.
As an Arian with an outlook of does not care, age and maturity mellows you and brings those moments of self-introspection. Melancholy helps you to relook at how you could have phased out. In an era of self-purpose and demands, it is always advisable to seek that solitude and if necessary seek professional help to stress out.
Silence is a Prayer and it gives you that inner strength to overcome any hurdles. From demanding careers like Sports, Glamour, Politics, Business etc all require those moments of introspection to overcome challenges.
In my childhood days at Kolavennu used sometimes to sit on tree tops alone in silence or read and while in Vizag loved to look at surfing sea waves and their sound from the balcony of my house. Gardening also gives me that inner peace and of all mostly my pet dogs hug relieves and I always start my day attending its daily nature call with a walk.Books some really good ones also have helped my stress out and helped me have my own imaginary life. A new project ideation and helping new kid on block achieve his dreams of higher education or entrepreneurship as a Mentor have also made my adrenaline flow with elation. I believe in higher power more than that believe in Good Karma helping people along whenever possible.
For some Phoenix is a bird but for me, it has been a way of life and my sojourn is unending and believe in leaving a footprint which could inspire others not to give up. For me accepting defeat is accepting death, death is eternal and all souls fall prey, but the work accomplished is bound to remain, even if that is Pongamia tree for shade and also Biodiesel production. Each day/month/year self-try to learn and keep abreast to share for people whom that could be a guide and is the only reason why I share knowledge and in open forums, as sincerely believe once life should be like Akshaya Patra when you serve others in need God bestows you with something so that your pot is never empty ...