Silence makes you emotionally strong
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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It is something about looking at you, with your mind deep in thought, but your mouth not moving, scares me. I don’t know what you’re thinking but I know you are and I’m exasperated, I’m fatigued, because I’m scared what you are thinking will hurt me. Or it will hurt you. And now I’m overthinking, left to ponder in my own head what is going on in yours and this lack of communication causes me panic.
You finally say something and it’s not what I wanted to hear and then you go silent again. But now it’s awkward. I’m not thinking but I’m just feeling this empty air hang above us, trying to gather myself together and keep hold of my feelings. Now it’s my turn to speak and I realize I have to be the one to break the silence. And this silence now transforms into a clock, reminding me that I have to say something and it’s on me and tick tock, tick tock, I feel the time passing with every second of silence.
I realize I have nothing to say to you. And now this silence signifies the loss of our connection. The loss of our ability to communicate, of our ability to understand, and of our desire to maintain relations. Silence is unknown. It could mean the end of a friendship, or the start of a relationship. It could signify the loss of a connection. It could signify the start of one. It is unpredictable. And because of that, it elicits strong emotions.
Silence in the face of a need to communicate, to understand what is happening, is very stressful. Silence is golden but it comes in the shape of a smooth sphere of gold where there are no crevices or toe holds on it’s featureless surface. No way to get a grip on anything to break the deafening sounds of silence. No positive, no negative, no resolution to the mystery. An important part of your life disappears and you are not allowed to know if its permanent or just a phase. Or just, why?
For one such as an Alpha male Sexual Dominate, the silence is like a black hole sucking your thoughts and words into a void where nothing comes out. You are not allowed to even know if there is anyone still listening on the other side. The inability to use any rational thought process to make sense out of something that defies logic prevents me from achieving the closure I desire. The silence is relentless, it never stops, it never offers release, or surcease. That is why it causes strong emotional reactions for some people.
Some folks use silence as a weapon, or as a form of punishment. In this context it provokes the same intensity of emotional response as any attack or act of aggression. In fact, might it not provoke even more intense emotion than overt aggression, since it allows the silent aggressor to deny his or her aggressive intent, thereby turning any emotional response back on the recipient? But other folks use silence as a form of meditation, facilitating exploration of one’s own inner feelings. In a group setting, as for example in the practice of silent worship, this can generate quite intense feelings of community.
Silence is like a mirror. It reflects back whatever looks into it. Sorry, got a little carried away there. Just saying though.Silence is a powerful weapon that protects us. In the war of life it shields us from the following major attacks of others' comments, gossips, inferiority, superiority, expressions, feelings, angry, arrogant, rejection or deny just by being silent, you don't allow the others to discover your weaknesses, you're above it all. Cheers!
Namaste ?? Kishore Shintre. Awesome share. Have an amazing day.??