Silence In The Face Of Anomie - the Southeast case By Livy-Elcon Emereonye
Ordinarily, vampires don't eat themselves but when they finish their prey and there is nothing left to eat, they will feed on themselves.?
An evil wind does no one any good. Regardless of age, sex, class or status, when it blows everyone feels the effects of whirlwind. This is the situation in Southeast today where things seemed to have fallen apart.
Like a full blown AIDS that often starts from the gradual pleasure of having multiple unprotected sex with infected partners, the insecurity challenge in Southeast which started like a child's play has assumed a formidable dimension that requires a timely multi-pronged approach by an unselfish multi-stakeholders to solve.
The abuse of power and the preference for subjugation from absolute marginalization to outright exclusion with resultant resort to violence in pursuit of freedom had put the zone in a precarious state. Today, the rich as well as the high and mighty also cry.
?Those in positions of authority and their minions made simple things complex. By their utterances and conducts, they created chaos and heated up the polity. They unnecessarily incite violence in their followers who could sheepishly go out to unleash mayhem but often end up as the worst victim.
Southeast, my lovely and homely zone seems to be under siege today. Many things are going on here wrongly yet those meant to speak for us and those representing us seem to have lost their voices - and when they speak, it's pure apology. The blame game continues!??
As things degenerate from bad to worse, the people take note of the position of our representatives whether they were elected by the people or they bought their ways through. The situation has presented a good opportunity for proper assessment – and the verdict will surprise a lot of people.
The evil we fail to condemn will surely grow into a monster and guess what? We may end up in its belly! Those who were once indifferent suddenly regained their voices when they directly or indirectly became victims.
For whatever reason many of our elected representatives from the National Assembly down to states' House of Assembly have chosen to maintain a grave silence instead of speaking out against the crises and subsequent abuse of power against Southeasterners.
The military invasion and occupation of their states is of no relevance to them. They rather maintain sealed lips for political correctness and future endorsement than to stand with their people and condemn the militarization of the Southeast zone in a Democratic dispensation. This is too bad.
As members of the Legislative arm of government meant for oversight function and to ensure good governance through checks and balances the Southeast senate caucus and the House of Representative should separately and jointly speak out against the invasion, convince and compel the National Assembly to ask the presidency to stop and withdraw the military and?the police or reverse the extreme orders given to them against the people.
The states' House of Assemblies should also?work separately at state's level with the governor and jointly at zonal level to proffer lasting solutions to the crises. Southeast governors should meet with other southern Nigeria governors and then the Nigeria Governors Forum to present?their case and together they meet the president.
The speakers of Southeast states House of Assemblies should liaise with their counterparts from the south and the entire country and thereafter proceed to the National Assembly for a harmonized position on how to resolve the crises.
Both the Executive and Legislative arms of the government together with the judiciary should come together and resolve the crises permanently.
At the Local Government level, the councilors and the chairmen or administrators must also work together with Ndi Eze to find lasting solutions. All hands must be on deck and now. Criminals are not spirits. They are human beings and live among the people.
We must do all we can and in time to stop anything that is capable of tearing us apart. We must strive at all times to promote peaceful coexistence and live at peace with each other and one another. We must be true to ourselves and treat everyone as a human being with flesh and blood.
The Southeast geopolitical zone is not at war and therefore should not be treated as a war zone by omission or commission. The world is watching so the earlier the government realizes this, the better. The people on the other hand should be very careful so as not to play into the hands of their enemies. Two wrongs don’t make right. The bitter truth is that no one can put you down without your consent.
Southeast is currently facing a siege. The leaders of thought, governors, National Assembly members, Speakers of various Houses of Assembly and members should not keep mute in this dangerous time. Nongovernmental organizations, religious bodies, pressure groups and well meaning individuals should rise up now and find lasting solutions to the crises.
It does not make sense to destroy government properties?and kill government officials under whatever guise and name. The perpetrators of the heinous crimes should stop or jungle justice would be meted on anyone cut in act. If they are Igbo people, their community people who know them should work with the youth leaders, local vigilantes and report them to their Eze who will in turn do the needful and inform the state government. If on the other hand they are non Igbo, wherever they stay or reside, the people should spot them and report every suspicious movement to the appropriate authority. It is barbaric for anyone to take away another person’s life. It is sheer wickedness to destroy people’s properties for no just cause. This madness must stop.
The federal government should live up to expectation and proffer lasting solutions to the crises and not do things that will make the people and the international community feel that they have a hand in the crises. Innocent lives and properties should be protected so there is no need to use life bullets on armless individuals. The security personnel must not be seen to abuse the people or use the situation for the wrong purpose. Proper crisis management approach for peaceful resolution should be embraced.
Those fueling and sponsoring the crises for whatever reason must have a second thought and stop before it is too late. If not properly controlled and in time, the ripple effects may spill to other zones of the country and the consequences may take more to handle. Therefore, let’s join hands and resolve the crises now for our common good. The primary cause of the crises must be addressed with feasible, practical solutions provided without further loss of life and property.