Signs that your world has been invaded by a manipulative person.
Mojalefa Daniel Maluka
HRM Researcher | Education Specialist | PhD Candidate | TVET Senior Lecturer | #past3amsquad
1. Emotional blackmail
-They are always playing the victim and you are always the bad one who “does not understand”
-They are always either weeping incessantly & bitterly to make you feel bad for confronting them or they just become very defensive to a point of rage!
2. They believe that they are always right!
- They believe that in every case they are always right and that everyone else is wrong and everyone is against them.
- Never apologize even when it is clear they did wrong.
3. They like always having things their way
-Your ideas & opinions don’t matter to them
-They like the sound of their own voice: (narcissism & vanity):
These individuals have a high sense of self-importance
4. You feel depleted after being around them
-You always feel like you are the sacrificial lamb when you are with them (even though they claim to always be sacrificing for you)
- They empty out your resolve
-They make you feel inadequate; your best is never enough even though they always want you to do things for them.
5. Very slick with their words
- They make you feel like the relationship is working when you can see that you are dying inside.
-They constantly mention how much they’ve invested in the relationship whereas you know that they have taken more than they have given in the relationship
6. Controlling behavior
-Wanting to control your time, space, resources, & relationships.
-You are not free to even “do you” – you have no “me time”
7. They threaten to leave but they don’t.
-The day you open the door for them to exit for good, they make you feel like you are the devil incarnate
8. Always driving the point that they are the best thing to ever happen to you and that if they go, you won’t survive.
9. Verbal Abuse
- Killing you through their words
In most cases these individuals seldom change since this is their survival tactic so stick around at your own peril! If you know that you have made them aware of this (several times) and they have not changed: If it has cost you your health, sanity & life, then just walk away, if possible! That being said, people can change if the reasons are compelling enough, so you can stick it out if you choose but you better have a concrete plan as to how you will turn the tide!
Mojalefa Maluka is a Life Coach, Writer & Lecturer