Signs & Wonders

Signs & Wonders

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (NIV)

This is not a prophetic preaching message but a prophetic teaching message. This is a prophetic word in due season. It’s prophetic with the sense of urgency that God has already forewarned His people about what is to come, given the signs of the times we are in, all of which is pointing us to the end of the book.

The Lord has placed some things on my spirit that I believe will help us deal with "Last Days Blindness." We're in the midst of a pandemic but also dealing with an epidemic of willful, apathetic ignorance. As such, this message is not for everybody. And it won't resonate with everyone. It's strictly for those with ears to hear.

For the next few minutes, I want to talk with you from the subject "Signs and Wonders." The Holy Spirit has given me some thoughts and insights on the types of signs and wonders we should expect to see with the coming of the lawless one. And where they’re coming from. And it’s not what, or even who, you might suspect.

Indeed, these signs and wonders are happening and being commercialized in the name of continuous innovation, pursuit of cutting-edge, disruptive technology and the ongoing demand for immersive, virtual experiences. Literally, right in front of our eyes. Among other things, Augmented Reality (AR) and the Metaverse conditioning us for the deception.

Signs and wonders.

'Tis the season for signs and wonders. Some Christian, some pagan. Some true prophecy, some false prophecy. Some following the rising star in the East. Some following the fallen one to the West. Some found in the little town. Some found in Tinseltown. Some neon dreaming, glowing in the dark. Some blinded by the light, slipping in the darkness.

Signs and wonders. They were all around us in 2021. Coming closer in 2022.

What exactly are signs and wonders?

Signs and wonders are defined as "supernatural intervention in the lives of people, nations and in creation." No doubt, signs and wonders reveal God's hidden hand AND when he has removed his face. In the Book of Joshua, we see God changing the course of time as He made the Sun AND the Moon stand still during a battle Joshua fought with the Amalekites.

Has God caused something you've been battling in your personal life or professional career to stand still long enough as a sign He was still with you, had not forsaken you and your enemies were being delivered up so you might prevail? I might as well preach to myself!

Signs and wonders happen when God is ready to turn things around OR shut things down to suit his purpose, or good pleasure. In either event, judgment always following when it seems our sensory pleasures have caused us to lose sight of Him and our sense of purpose. I submit to you that all signs indicate we are in such a dispensation of time.

While the sounding of the trumpet is cause for precautionary alarm, it should not give us a bad case of the last days jitters. On the contrary, we rejoice in this as believers because signs and wonders are hallmarks of the Christian Faith and we know ALL things work for the good of those who love Him. And with that, comes a new source of supernatural strength, gifts and abilities that are bestowed upon those who believe.

In other words, we go from observing them to performing them. From walking in revelation knowledge to speaking revelation knowledge.

Thus, my assignment here.

Acts 2:17 puts it like this: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit upon ALL flesh: And your sons AND your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams."

God says even the servants and handmaids will prophesy.

Mark 16:17 adds, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents..."

That ought to remove our fear of the last days right there!

How about what signs and wonders are not...???

Signs and wonders are not magical moments of sorcery that can be bought by any Simon who says so. You're undoubtedly familiar with the story of Simon the Sorcerer back in the Book of Acts. This is quite instructive to our subject matter as it relates to deception in these last days. Many will be using sorcery and technology, showing power they are receiving from the dark side that will deceive many. Enough to make Cleo the Psychic look clueless.

In the process, bewitching people into believing they have the power of God. Like Simon.

"But there was a certain man, called Simon, which before time in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries."

Acts 8:9-10 (KJV)

But the devil's signs and wonders ain't got nothing on the Holy Ghost!

The Bible goes on to say those same people and Simon himself believed and got baptized after hearing Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name Jesus Christ. There's something about that name! There's also something about the Holy Ghost when it comes to signs and wonders. Though Simon and the people of Samaria were baptized, they were not FULL of Holy Spirit wonder until John and Peter got wind of the move of God and headed down there to start laying hands on people.

The Holy Ghost power fell so strong that Simon asked these brothers how much the Holy Ghost was "hitting for." In other words, he thought the gift of God could be purchased with money. He wanted to bottle it up and sell it on an infomercial at 3 in the morning. Beware of being bewitched by the merchants in your midst who know how to package and merchandise sorcery. Satan loves to commercialize his signs and wonders.

What Simon didn't know until Peter put him up on game is that signs and wonders are constant realities that belong to those who believe upon the miraculous birth and wonderful resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, which came with the price he paid on Calvary. Believers walk in resurrection power and signs and wonders as a birth right.

This time of the year is a vivid reminder of the prophetic nature of signs and wonders. The virgin's conception being the pinnacle of signs and wonders, tied to the Messianic prophecy that the people had been waiting on for centuries. This sentiment held especially true for women. From Eve to Mary, and so many who were barren like Sarah and Hannah in between, hoping and praying they might be chosen to bring forth the seed of "chosen one."

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

Isaiah 7:14 (KJV)

By definition, the name Immanuel a sign of God being "with us."

Indeed, from birth to death, Jesus' life was full of signs and wonders.

As shall His return be.

"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Matthew 24:27 (KJV)

Given what Matthew 24 describes about the coming of the Son of Man "immediately after the tribulation," it should come as no surprise to those of us in the faith that: A.) the anti-Christ comes first; and B.) the coming of the anti-Christ, the lawless one spoken of in our opening passage of scripture, will be LIKE CHRIST.

Which is to say, he is coming in Christ-like form and fashion.

Specifically, 2 Thessalonians 2:9 says the coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by "displays of power through signs and wonders in accordance with how Satan works." How does Satan work? There is nothing original about him. He wants to be Christ. Always has. Never will be. And though he wants to BE Christ, he does not want to SEE Christ. As such, he works hard to deceive the head crusher out of you and me.

Knowing we may very well be.

We know he's good at tricknology but how many of us know he's even better with technology? From the very beginning, the knowledge of science and technology has been the primary vehicle the enemy uses to trick man and use as a strategy to disrupt God's divine plan for the ages. As we begin to understand this, we start to see through the smoke and mirrors and increase our visibility and discernment in these last days.

Before going there, we must first lay some foundation. We won't even recognize what's coming in these last days until we see the end from the beginning in Genesis 3.

"And I will put enmity (open hostility) Between you and the woman, And between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, And you shall [only] bruise His heel.”

Genesis 3:15 (AMP)

This is our first sign of God's plan for the Messiah.

From that point on, the battle was on. And when God says the battle is not yours and mine, this is is the end times battle for the ages. It's his original design vs Satan's copycat strategy. Once we grasp hold of that, we gain further wisdom into the parable of the tares and mature to the fact that Christ is coming with his angels to separate the tares (Satan's wicked seed) from the wheat (God's good seed).

Now that they have grown together, the harvest is now ripe for the end of this world.

"Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him saying, “Explain [clearly] to us the parable of the weeds in the field.” He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man,?and the field is the world; and [as for] the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the weeds are the sons of the evil one;?and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels.?So just as the weeds are gathered up and burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of the age."

Matthew 13:36-40 (AMP)

We know from Genesis 3 that the serpent sowed his wicked seed in the earth when he beguiled Mother Eve, causing God to multiply her birth (with twins). Cain, being the serpent's seed. Abel belonging to Adam's. Thus, the open hostility between them God prophesied. This we may know, but do we know the genetic corruption didn't stop there.

In other words, the angels coming to separate the weeds and the wheat isn't just about who's wicked or righteous, who's been good and bad, or who has been naughty or nice. It's about DNA beloved. Satan's carbon copycat strategy from Genesis 3 has literally been to corrupt the Messianic bloodline and alter human DNA.

It took Satan the generations between Genesis 3 and Genesis 6 to create his hybrid race.

With the help of his fallen angels.

"When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose."

Genesis 6:1-2 (NIV)

Once we know these sons of God are the same angels coming to earth with Satan in Revelation 12 - after war breaks in Heaven - we understand who the Nephilim in Genesis 6 are. The Nephilim are the offspring of the sons of god, the fallen angels, who came into the daughters of men. This was part of Satan's strategy to corrupt the seed line through which Messiah would come.

How can this be?

Angels are able to take on human form but angelic humans are not normal humans. The key difference is that the sperm produced by the angelic human is not normal human DNA but must have the genetic modifications for creating giants. The angels can apparently manifest whatever genetic code is needed for WHATEVER creature they desire to create. This produces a humanoid. In other words, the fallen angels were able to do genetic engineering, genetic modification through their God-given ability to manifest flesh as they wished.

Remember, God said let's make man in our image. Who was he talking to? He was talking to the angels, the sons of God. The same sons of god, He (Elohim) was talking to in the Book of Job, the oldest book in the bible.

Needless to say, by mixing it up with the daughters of men, you could say their offspring, the Nephilim were the first "GMO's." They are not part-spirit and part-human but were part of Satan's plan and genetically modified response to God's prophesy against the seed of the serpent and Eve we discussed back in Genesis 3.

Interestingly enough, in the very next chapter of Genesis 4, we find our first early adopters and technology explosion within one family recorded in pre-flood genealogies: the family of Lamech. Who was Lamech? Lamech was a descendant of the seed of the serpent's sinful line. You guessed it. He was the great-great grandson of Cain. Lamech too was a murderer AND the Bible's first mention of polygamy, having two wives.

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

And the Biblically astute can also testify to the higher moral of the story and saying. Indeed, in the very next Chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis, God would make his counter move on Satan and make good on His Genesis 3 promise, redeeming Mother Eve and bringing forth another seed. Eve, "knew Adam again," and gave birth to Seth.

Seth came on the scene, crispy and clean after Cain's filthy banishment. And Seth would once again declare and call upon the Lord's name; And bring forth the seed that would walk upright; And bless the ground the Lord had cursed.

And Seth's son's name? You guessed it...Lamech.

And Lamech's son's name? You better know it...Noah.

And Noah was known as a righteous man in a world full of sin and perversion. This is a sign for us right now. God wants to talk to somebody who wants to see the end from the beginning and be a righteous man in a world of sin and perversion.

And thousands of years later, Jesus Christ would be born into the pure bloodline of Seth through the righteous Lamech. God's plan ALWAYS trumps Satan's plan in such an awesome manner!

Back to the first Lamech. Lamech's family also also has a detail that is rare for Biblical genealogy, which is the inclusion of a woman, Lamech's daughter Na'amah. What makes her worthy of mention? Na'amah was married to a fallen angel in exchange for the knowledge of good and evil. She and her brothers got a supernatural download of arts and science in the areas these fallen angels specialized in.

Lamech was the likely benefactor of this marriage contract with the angels because of how much technology his sons originated or became "fathers of" in three critical sciences of agriculture, art and technology. The price for his daughter was that superior angelic knowledge. We don't need to speculate on this.

The Bible substantiates it...

Genesis 4, verses 19-21 tell us Lamech's son Jabal was the father of nomadic horsemen. His brother Jubal was the father of all who play the lyre and flute. Na'amah's brother Tubal-cain made all kinds of bronze and iron tools. Rather appropriate Lamech's offspring bearing his great- great grandfather Cain's namesake would inherit those particular tools.

This was, literally, idol worship of these fallen angel gods in the making.

In return, the angels got a human female to breed their wicked seed of Nephilim offspring. In that regard, Lamech's daughter Na'amah was perhaps the first mother of a giant. Why her? The name Na'amah means "beautiful." And we know from Genesis 6, the fallen angels came into the daughters of men because they thought they were "fair," as in beautiful.

Undoubtedly, this is the fair exchange Satan knew they desired most to go along with his plan. Enough to make them go "Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs" and leave their first estate.

The Book of Enoch which was left out of the Bible explains the story of the 200 fallen angels who rebelled in specific detail from their names to the teaching the daughters of men how to apply makeup to their faces. More than that, along with the intermixing with humans, these fallen angels also gave them knowledge. Like Na'amah, they took wives and gave man and woman occult knowledge of science and technology.

They gave away God's secret sauce of genetic modification, engineering, coding. This would be akin to the head chefs in Colonel Sanders' kitchen leaving the plantation in Kentucky and starting a new chicken empire in Louisiana called Popeye's, in part using the building blocks from the Colonel's secret recipe for making southern fried chicken.

Be that as it may, man was deceived into believing this knowledge was for their own good and helping them advance in their quest to become gods like these fallen angels, not realizing the enemy was using it all AND them for his evil purposes.

And he's planning to do it again.

We know from Matthew 24, a sign that the son of man is coming is that they (the fallen angels and their seed line) will STILL be marrying. Whose DNA might they be marrying into and what might they be producing in these end times? And whose down to experiment?

Look along the nexus of greed, perversion and technology gold rush circling around us, and you'll find plenty of "fair" game. In this hour, we must be mindful of which angels are watching over us. And which spirits are guiding us. And who of them is amongst us.

1 Corinthians 11:10: "For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels."

Rightfully divide that word with Revelation 9:4 and we see that the power on the woman's head is the covering of Christ. The seal on her forehead is a mark of ownership and sign of God's protection to the locust army and those fallen angels upon their return that she is "off limits." In Hebrews 13:2, Paul cautions us to beware, as "we may entertain angels unbeknownst to us."

The critical point we must now underscore here is, because this Nephilim offspring is not human, but transhuman or humanoid, it can no more receive salvation than a goldfish. That applied then and applies now. This is a sign for us that Satan's strategy has never stopped. His desired outcomes are the same. He roams the earth on a quest, seeking to devour your human nature and destroy your salvation.

The scientific methods and technology may have changed, but not his madness. Nor has man's desire for the occult knowledge of science and technology that makes us like gods (little g), that turns us away from God (big G), that makes us look younger, that makes us live longer, that makes machines out of our intelligence.

That makes eugenics...

That makes master races...

That makes clones...

That makes virtual realities...

That makes us willing to pay any price in a Metaverse to experience it...

That makes us perverted enough to procreate with strange flesh for it...

That makes us...Less human.

Bottom line beloved, you would be wise to ensure your DNA code flashes human and not somehow genetically altered, fractioned or modified when he returns. That's your proof of ownership. Are you the full complement of his DNA or "complimentary cDNA?

One is a product of nature, the other is not. According to the Supreme Court opinion and ruling decided June 13 of 2013, in the Association For Molecular Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics, one makes you eligible for patent, one makes you ineligible to be patented. One makes your DNA eligible for kingdom inheritance, one makes the clone of your DNA inherently, inheritable.

Indeed, because man's DNA and very nature became so corrupted, so genetically modified, so full of sexual perversion, his thoughts so wicked, it caused God to flood the earth. That took care of the first influx of Nephilim. Only Noah and his family, with pure bloodline in- tact, were eligible to carry forth God's plan and seed line through which our Messiah would come. The Bible tells us though that even after the flood, these giants were still in the land. Specifically, we find them in the promised land of Canaan, where we also find constant enmity (open hostility) between them and the Israelites, just as God prophesied in Genesis 3.

These are the "ites" we read about in scripture who were the constant nemesis of the Israelites. And not just physically, but spiritually. They were turning God's people toward worshipping these other gods (with a small g).

This is why the Lord told Abram to get out of dodge and leave his own Sumerian people who were going off into paganism and worshipping these pagan gods like the Anunnaki (which means "royal blood" or "princely offspring" in the ancient Sumerian language) and king Uruk, who was two-thirds god and one third man.

This whole thing comes down to DNA and bloodlines.

We can't understand the last days without this foundation.

Now, we also see gigantic traces of Nephilim offspring in other places in the Old Testament ranging from the Book of Numbers and report of the 12 spies who saw the descendants of Anak in the promised land, and said they were like grasshoppers in their eyes, up until the time of David slaying Goliath in the land of the Philistines.

There is a reason why God was so emphatic in telling Joshua to "utterly destroy" them.

"But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: but thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely , the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee: that they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God."

Deuteronomy 20:16-18 (KJV)

Why is God so adamant about their destruction?

It's not because God was on one. It's because these ites were not his seed, not his people. It's not because of what harm they could physically do to them as giants. God was bent on their destruction because of what they would "teach them" that would turn them away from Him to follow their gods. This was an Old Testament sign of what is to come in these last days.

God wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth and give that land to the Israelites, fulfilling the covenant He made with Abraham to be the father of all nations and delivering on His promise to bring forth the Messiah from umbilical cord to umbilical cord.

Now we see why he called it the promised land...

Now we visualize what David meant by preparing a table in the presence of mine enemies...

Now we get a better picture of why God made Abraham and Sarah wait so long to bring forth that seed in Isaac...

I believe she was probably barren because God wanted to make sure she didn't get beguiled herself or become corrupted while in that land. We know from the Bible that Sarah was a beautiful woman. The Bible says she was fair, but she was fine. So fine, blow your mind kind of fine. She was so drop dead gorgeous that, as they went into Egypt to escape the famine in the land, ultimately landing in Pharaoh's house, Brother Abram said "Baby if we don't tell them you're my sister they will kill me."

All of this was part of God's plan in stages. He knew the timing it would take - generationally speaking for his divine plan to unfold against Satan's.

Indeed, in Genesis 15, we find God is prophesying to Abram outside the tent, telling him his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. He also told him his seed would be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and that they would be afflicted for 400 years. He also curbs his enthusiasm saying," in the fourth generation they shall come again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."

God was giving Abram a sign of the things to come with his covenant promise. And what wonders to pass down to his descendants to look for. God knew it would take four more generations to rid the land of the ites and 400 years in parallel to rid the the Children of Israel from the pollution of their pagan practices and idol worshipping of their gods which they adopted while in Egypt. We'll visit there shortly.

All of this would counter Satan's plan with the second influx of Nephilim that were still in the land post-flood, although it is widely believed their demonic spirits along with a remnant of that bloodline descendants remains on earth. This would be your corrupt seed of tares growing and maturing next to God's seed of wheat.

The Bible teaches us, there is always a remnant.

No matter how you slice it, or splice it, the third influx of the Nephilim and fallen angels are returning to earth in the last days as part of the locust army UNDER GOD's command. God's reasons for this are his harvesting reasons but given what happened the first time around, and up until now, I get it. It starts to make a whole lot more sense.

God wants to know who you are, and where you stand. Will you be standing on truth, in His glorious reality, and loving your neighbor? Or will you be falsely found, living it up somewhere in a Metaverse of virtual reality, truly not knowing your neighbor. Will He be able to call you a friend, or will he say He never knew you because of the augmented friends and avatars you roll with, and barely even know.

When He does return, Christ tells us this third influx will be just like the days of Noah. They, meaning these fallen ones, will be given unto marrying, cloning, deep faking and DNA splicing with Satan using science, technology and leading man's free will right into the height of perversion, corruption, illusion and delusion.

And coming with this third influx of Nephilim and return of the fallen angels who birthed them will be their gods. And, once again, many will be deceived into following and worshipping them. Sounds like something out of a movie or Marvel script, right?

In Part II of "Signs & Wonders," we'll see which signs point to fact or fiction, false prophecy or true prophecy. We'll also explore which technology wonders will lead to the gnosticism and apostasy (falling away) coming with the lawless one. Lastly, we'll probe the nature of delusion coming from Almighty God in the time of tribulation as man is deceived into following the anti-Christ before the coming of the Son of Man.


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