The Signs of a Truly Successful Life
One of the most revealing questions we can ask about any aspect of our lives is to demand to know whether we are happy. On the surface, it's a very simple question. We can only answer yes or no. Are you happy? Be honest with yourself. Is life matching your expectations? Does your life make you smile? It's a highly relevant question because it's a way to help you identify where you're making compromises in your life. If you're not happy with a situation, that can only mean that your circumstances don't meet your expectations. Where can you make changes that will improve your circumstances? What's getting in the way?
The moment you begin to believe that you can really enjoy states of profound happiness in your life, you introduce changes in your perception that lead to subtle changes in your behaviour. You start to do things differently and that's when changes naturally follow, opening up the possibility of greater happiness in your life, less stress, more enjoyment and a much more positive engagement with the world.