Signs of quantum mechanics in TPD
Miroslav Zidek
?IDEK: ?ivot i dobro est kako: Rozvoj vedomia je ukryty v my?lienkach tvorby ?ivota v súlade s láskou.
The system of basic features of quantum mechanics works in the table of prime distribution.
It works according to the ideas of Bohr, Planck, de Brooglie, perhaps the Riemann hypothesis; etc.
/ The description is given in the edited draft of the book "Symbol of Life" /
Behind each value of the distribution of prime numbers is a hidden trio of Pythagorean numbers
with an offset. The series of values of each prime number, in the mentioned table, hides its own
wavelengths with a given frequency. These are present in the spiral of matter formation through the
aforementioned three Pythagorean numbers with a shift.
For interest:
In the geometry of the universe, squares form rows of odd numbers. A series of odd numbers also
points to the number of right triangles in a spiral.
The combinatorics of the sum of two numbers with a connection to the trinity of Pythagorean
numbers determines that:
C - B is from the series of squares - 1; 4; 9; 16; 25; etc.
C - A is from a series of numbers - 2; 8; 18; 32; 50; etc. - connection with electrons on orbital - Bohr
Planck's indivisible quantum leaps - "indivisible primes" are present in every line of a given prime,
which contains blue and red values going to infinity. They create additional values in the row of the
given prime number. This means that the value of a given prime number is constantly added. -
The duality of the wave and the particle is written directly in the numerical value of the mentioned
de Brooglie table
I say that numerical values are a photon - a scalar wave that proceeds along its semi-line according
to the trinity of numbers 3; 4a 5. It has the appropriate wavelength with frequency.
In a scalar wave - at the number point of a photon, matter is present. It is worked by a vector of
Pythagorean numbers with an offset. This shift means that "C" in Pythagoras' equation is not equal
to the sum of the squares "A ^ 2 + B ^ 2", but by vibration - resonance in space, the numerical value
of C constantly deviates from the correct sum by 2, or -2.
This is where electrons begin to arrange on the orbits of the atom.
To date, I have not heard of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, but I think the conclusion in the link to
this page speaks of the mentioned inequality:
E {1} + E {2} <E {1} + E {2}
In my terminology:
3 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2 is not equal to 4 ^ 2; 9 + 9 is not equal to 16, but 18.
3 ^ 2 + 5 ^ 2 is not equal to 6 ^ 2; 9 + 25 is not equal to 36, but 34.
If we calculate the bases of squares, we always get another three. In this case 6, 8 and 10.
Related to this is our ignorance of where matter hides:
From columns where no value is written, a prime pair is always calculated. Behind the prime pair is a
hidden nucleus of an atom.
And we know that matter forms the nucleus of an atom. Therefore, each mass passes through
electromagnetic radiation, behind which a prime pair is present.
The interconnection in space is valid through these two numerical values.
Theoretically: If "5" moves, it affects "7" and thus "7" moves.
From the numerical values in the table, we calculate the prime number according to the formula 6 *
k - 1, or 6 * k - 1.
Since a photon with the emerging position of electrons on the orbits of the atom is hidden behind
the numerical value, then -1 and 1 of the mentioned formula are spin electrons.
The spins of the electrons are, in my opinion, the zero zeta points from the Riemann hypothesis.