Signs of mental illness
Courtney Hounsell
Account Manager (Business applications at Braintree) | Registered ASCHP SW Counsellor (Membership Registration no: SWC22/1321) | BA HONOURS (HEALTH SC & SOC.SERVICES)
Let’s just address the elephant in the room.??
Looking after one’s mental health preserves your ability to engage in life and enjoy it. It’s a state of well-being whereby individuals can realize their own abilities to cope with daily stressors, make a contribution to their immediate communities, and work productively within society.??
It’s never been more important than it is today, in the modern era, to be attentive to one’s needs. To reflect, understand your state of mind, and identify the early warning signs of mental illness.???
So without further ado, it’s time to delve into the differences between mental disorders, life adjustment problems, and how to recognize when it’s time to seek professional help.?
According to the DSM-V, mental disorders are classified as having the following components:??
Now although this is a broad definition, most practitioners will agree that mental disorders involve behaviour that departs significantly from what is considered the norm. An emotional response to a traumatic event that far exceeds what is expected, or even persistent low mood and aversion to normal activities which previously used to bring one joy. (Sue et al., 2016)??
Classes such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, dissociative identity disorder, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, to name a few, all fall within this category.???
But this is not to say that when one experiences symptoms indicative of such disorders, due to life adjustment problems, that the only tool in your repertoire is to be formally diagnosed and admitted to an intensive treatment plan. Yes, these are sensitive topics and require the correct assessments and diagnosis to address, because prolonged exposure to such symptoms increases the risk of the onset of mental disorders.??
However, by engaging in proactive preventative measures before symptoms become uncontrollable and progress to a state where a formal diagnosis is required, you can actively take control of your own wellbeing by reaching out to a mental health professional.?
Life adjustment problems occur when one has difficulty coping with a stressful life event and is accompanied by similar symptoms such as anxiety, depression, hopelessness, low aversion to normally enjoyed activities, and an intense feeling of sadness. This could be the result of losing your only source of income, the death of a relative, trying to manage defiant children, financial pressures, or even marital disputes. Any event that exceeds your natural ability to cope, which thereafter leads to abnormal behaviour, can be termed a life adjustment problem.?
Generally a good rule of thumb is when symptoms from such events impair one’s day-to-day functioning for more than two weeks, without any suggestion of returning to normality, that it’s an indication you should seek the help of a professional.??
We use this timeframe as a benchmark because as individuals we cannot underestimate the fact that humans are extremely robust and able to weather storms through a combination of individual tolerance, coping strategies, and immediate support systems such as friends and family. Nevertheless, it’s important to know that when your own methods of coping are no longer sufficient, and the stressors of life become unmanageable, it is definitely time to talk about it.??
Here are some of the few early warning signs that you might need professional help:??
(Morln, 2020)?
It is exactly here (with life adjustment problems) where the profession of counselling with trained helpers can enhance the personal functioning of individuals who experience such early warning signs. In contexts and sectors which range from work, school, marriage, family, as well as one’s personal life, all in an attempt to prevent further deterioration and the onset of mental illness.??
Counsellors perform a range of supportive and curative functions, based on an assessment that evaluates relevant factors in a client’s life to identify the themes for further exploration in the counselling process (Corey et al., 2019). Through methods and strategies, the client and the helper are able to define goals that are consistent with the life experiences and cultural values of the client, and what they expect to achieve from the helping relationship.??
And with the adoption of technology and remote work brought about by the pandemic, the ability to connect with a qualified professional has also never been easier. With the plethora of available applications and mediums to communicate from the comfort of your home, counselling services have become extremely accessible and have removed fears of being stigmatized when speaking to someone in person.??
There should be no reason why you place anything else above your own wellbeing.?
Ultimately, you must know that it is important to identify the warning signs, engage in preventative measures to mitigate a deteriorating state of mind, and that you can seek the assistance of a qualified professional in the blink of an eye.?
Your mental health encompasses your emotional, social, and psychological well-being. It affects how you engage with the world, how you think, act, and feel. Fundamental in every stage of life, and the path to making healthy choices for your future.??
And achieving peak mental health is not only about avoiding stressors or the absence of mental disorders, but it’s also about actively seeking ongoing wellness and happiness, because to be honest, it is the least we deserve.??
Be cognizant of your thoughts and feelings, put yourself in the best possible position to deal with your challenges, and let’s start talking about it.?
?Corey, G., Nicholas, L. J., Bawa, U. (2019). Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy. China: CENGAGE Learning.?
Morln, A. (2020, September 20). 7 Signs You Should Talk to a Therapist. Psychology Today.
Sue, D., Sue, D. W., Sue, D., Sue, S. (2016). Understanding abnormal behavior. Canada: CENGAGE Learning.?