Author – Oladipupo Jeremiah
Genre - Geotechnical Engineering
Any civil structure must have a solid foundation. The stability of the structure dictates how safe it is. It also determines how well every other component of the building works. The safety and usefulness of a structure would be compromised if a solid and appropriate foundation wasn't provided for it.
For a prompt diagnosis and the suggestion of preventive or remedial measures, it is crucial to be aware of the indicators that are suggestive of foundation concerns.
Indicators of foundation problems may include cracks in walls, floors, and foundations, settlement of the building, foundation upheaval, sticky doors, etc.
1. Cracks in Foundation, Walls, and Floors
The presence of cracks in the walls, flooring, and foundation indicates a problem with the foundation. One could claim that hairline cracks within the first three years of a building's completion are typical. Although they are typically brought on by undesirable foundation settlements, horizontal fractures in the basement walls are nonetheless warning signals of problems.
Vertical cracks are thought to be less serious than horizontal cracks. This is due to the fact that horizontal fractures indicate extreme pressure is being applied to the property foundation's perimeter.
Serious cracks typically have a width of more than 15 mm. If the inside wall cracks are at a 45-degree angle, there has been significant foundation movement. Large tears in the wall will eventually be produced by such strong movements.
Rapid foundation settlement is indicated by cracks near door and window openings. Brick wall fracture patterns like stair steps are another indicator of a weak foundation.
2. Foundation Upheaval
The upheaval of a foundation is the upward movement due to the expansion and contraction of the soil underneath the foundation structure. Since clay soil's volume increases when it gets wet, it is typical to expect that clay soil may produce instability.
Heaving often affects the perimeter of the foundation slab, but other areas of the building, such as doors and hallways, are unsafe.
Another reason for foundation problems is frost heave, which causes foundation displacement. Frost heave is caused by soil moisture freezing, which causes it to expand by 9% and put strain on the foundation.
3. Foundation Settlement
When one side of the building is lower than the other or the center of the building is sinking, settlement of the foundation is an indication of a problem. Vertical gaps are caused mainly by foundation settlement.
The worst type of building settlement, differential settlement requires substantial structural alterations. On both the inside and exterior of the building wall, it starts a significant vertical cracking process. Differential settlement can result from a variety of factors, including a non - uniform distribution of loads on the foundation, changes in the underlying soil's moisture content, changes in the soil's physical characteristics, etc.
A single vertical fissure in a foundation might indicate an upward displacement of the supporting structure. A sinkhole could be present under a building's foundation if a section of the structure suddenly settles.
4. Non-Uniform Floors
Concrete floors that appear to be uneven or out of level could indicate an issue with the foundation. The floor is out of level due to foundation movement, which must be prevented in order to fix the issue.
5. Doors Don't Opening Properly
An issue with the foundation is indicated if doors in a building do not open and close smoothly. This is frequently the result of foundation settlement, which draws down doors and causes them to somewhat jam, making it challenging to open and close doors. The foundation may start to develop cracks in addition to the sticky doors. Foundation settlement is indicated by this.
Extreme heat can occasionally induce soil movement by drying the earth beneath the foundation. This could be the reason why the door doesn't open and close properly.
6. Gaps Around Exterior Doors and Windows
Exterior door and window frames with gaps suggest a weak foundation. It is advised to visually inspect the foundation to look for cracks whenever such issues arise.
7. Separation of Counters and Cabinets from the Wall
A gap between counters or cabinets and a building's wall may indicate a problem with the foundation. A significant issue is when there is a gap of 1.27 cm or more.
If the foundation issue is not resolved, what happens?
if the issue with the foundation is not fixed. It imperils both individual lives and the integrity of the building. The expense and effort to repair the issue will increase with time.
It's crucial that we take deliberate and decisive action to establish a sturdy foundation that serves the building's purpose while also optimizing our understanding of the physical environment where such a structure is being situated.
While for built structure, we should keep an eye out for these warning signals since they could point to a foundational issue that has to be addressed before the anticipated building collapse occurs.