Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs
Jason Mefford
Edutainer | Audit Leader Forum? | BEing Uniquely YOU? | CAE Mentor | IA Training | CPA | The Spiritual Campfire? | Media Producer. Serving internal audit leaders, authentic professionals, & spiritual hikers.
Two doves came and sat on a fence (an no, this isn't the start of a bad joke)
It's not unusual to see doves, or see two of them together, but...
Then they just stared at me.
A little more unusual, and then...
They sat there completely motionless, staring at me for 5-10 minutes.
That is unusual and also a sign.
Cue the music: "signs, signs, everywhere there's signs," and these birds were a sign bringing me a message, some medicine and energy from the universe.
When unusual things happen to you, do you notice?
What signs have you been seeing? (add in the comments below)
How do you know when the universe is speaking to you, or is it just monkey chatter or what you want to tell yourself??
There are signs all around you when you tune and place attention on it.?
And in this podcast episode we share some experiences we have both had with following signs, so you can start recognizing and following guidance. It doesn't always come the same way and different people receive differently, but this episode will show you how to start playing with and following your own guidance from the universe.
Tune into it at:
So what message was the universe bringing me?
That's between me, the doves, and the universe.
It was a message for me, and there are messages waiting for you if you are willing to tune and listen.