The "Significant".Starting Point For a Change in a Victim of Abuse. Dr.Lilian Cabiron
Dr. Lilian Cabiron
Psychiatrist & Psychoanalyst by profession. Transformational Coach & Certified Mindfulness Teacher @ Dr Lilian Cabiron - The Mindfulness Coach
May 10, 2016
It left an indelible mark in my memory when many years ago I read the work of a colleague psychoanalyst, which referred to “The Traumatic” (The Trauma) as that experience in life what do not find representation in “The Signifier”. As a clear example of this dramatic crossroads, the paper rescued the example of parents who lose a child and how they cannot name their loss. A wife becomes a widow, a son an orphan, but a parent who loses a child does not have a word (Significant) to symbolize/ denominate their pain and position in the culture. To account for this state, the sufferer must use many descriptive and significant resources ... but no one that can complete the representation, no one significant that can NAME their experience.
The language names most things and what is appointed by it comes to life, exists. How come can we possibly refer to that what has No-NAME ? How come can that “NO-NAMED” by incorporated in the subjective interaction? How come would it become part of the culture? Imagine for example a chair. It has significant that represents it: "chair". Then, we can ask for it, desire it, buy it, break it .The other individual, when hears the word, can then understand us when we talk about chair. Immediately, the person creates an image in his mind, which is charged of many qualities. That representation makes verbal communication possible, which implies some kind of linguistic agreement between participants.
The power to name allays anxiety and anguish. Against the chaos and turmoil, the restlessness and impossible, the words create an order.
When someone lives in an abusive relationship it is a common effect to do not understand what is happening so the abuse cannot be named. Confusion, chaos, anxiety, depression and a deep feeling of impotence reign in the targeted abused.
The first step to heal and detoxify is to gradually gain knowledge of what is abuse. Only then that person will be able to name every one of the different abusive tactics that is subjected to. Then clarity and order will start re-establishing inside the abused person, the fog will dissipate slowly but consistently. Understanding and awareness will bring empowerment and the victim of abuse will have the chance to become a survivor .
From this platform the release and healing process is possible.
(unedited text translated from Spanish .Google translation.)