"Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs) - recognizing/appreciating some realities to enhance life for us all" (rev.2024)marktyoung[mty]
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hashtag #marktyoung
mentalhealthadvocacy mentalhealthrecovery mentalhealthresearch mentalhealthwellbeing NAMI DBSA peertopeer Keeptalking raiseawareness society societyandculture mentalhealthawareness suicideawareness letstalksuicide mentalhealthawareness compationatecare breakthestigma ChangeMentalHealth
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[Appreciate all those who have viewed and commented on this article, proudly, collectively now over 10,000 views; blessings, M]
[2] - for access to an excellent website for mental health support please link (MORE COMPLETE, SEE FOOTNOTE [2] BELOW);
link HERE PSYCHCENTRAL—LINKED HERE OR ( #NAMI ,#DBSA, [Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Home LINK ])
Mark Young—one very grateful suicide survivor [mty]
Short Bio:
Mark is retired, much earlier than desired. Bipolar disorder was a life force unknown for 35 years. Now 70 years old (or more by now), Mark has found himself and family, a wife and 4 children, having lived what they view as a life of earned blessings. They are a family, having worked hard with powerful forces moving them over and over into uncharted waters. Mark considers himself to have been blessed, unearned, with sufficient support and resources to move through these stormy waters to a better day. With many years of hard work as a family, profound learning along the way, and by advocating for and supporting others. Mark and family have weathered, what they have come to view as, a “perfect storm” of Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs).
__________BEGIN MAIN ARTICLE__________
Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs)
[The following hard-won perspectives are knowledge gained from the realities of personal experience; from working with my own and my family's Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs); and from involvement with others, individuals, families, groups, and organizations in many different kinds of advocacy and support for many years.]
"We are all interested in our own healthy mental well being... Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs) are simply differences in an individual's mental health that can have powerful impairments in life; ways that affect their capacity to live and work in the world as successfully as most others do."
"Major thought process and mood differences affect the one body organ, the brain, which provides a person with their greatest tool for effectively working with their life issues and sustaining their general overall well being."
SMHD's can be very difficult to gain awareness of their realities compared to other debilitating life circumstances, particularly those that may be more outwardly apparent.
No one understands them completely.
However, those who are generous enough in heart to accept SMHDs as reality, and are willing to open themselves up to this reality without full understanding, can be a powerful empathetic force of healing to those who find themselves working with the very real destructive nature of these differences.
And yes, freely choosing acceptance of anything without accurate knowledge can be daunting if not downright scary.
However, without full proof or understanding, an empathetic capacity to accept might be one of the only ways any human being has an opportunity to contrast their beliefs with a reality that is very different from their own; creating, for themselves and others, an opportunity to work toward a better day.
Being willing to contrast our current beliefs with new knowledge is almost a must to act upon our empathetic nature. The ability to accept possible new realities may open our minds and hearts to an otherwise often invisible and silent world of struggle and suffering.
—ARTICLE: "EMPATHY - the Ability to Meet Life with Meaning and Purpose" (revised) ?2024MarkTYoung[mty]—
Not all of us are provided opportunities to experience firsthand the realities of these Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHDs). Yet it is experiences like this in life that can help us grow our capacity to empathize in new ways.
We could even view ourselves as fortunate to have these life teachings!
These types of experiences allow each of us to grow as sentient beings, of our own free choice, to know and care about others with different concerns.
Even so, it may still be very difficult to explain the realities of these differences.
Relating to SMHDs in terms of some common ground ma help. This common ground is based on recognizing an innate common human set of characteristics. We all share them. They are a part of our human nature and are required for a healthy ability to negotiate life circumstances of all kinds:
These common characteristics demonstrate that humanity can not survive without others and other things in our lives. We are created as relational beings. It is in our "DNA", so to speak.
Relationships are always involved in myriad ways. They help us support our personal and social well-being, no matter how independent we like to be or think we can be.
This social interaction—inter-dependency—is key for all of us.
It is even more critical to those of us who may have some specific difficulty meeting personal needs, for whatever reasons. These difficulties can only increase when something detracts from the ability to meet these needs.
For any of us, this can profoundly affect our well-being. There is no difference in whether these difficulties impact us physically, mentally, emotionally / socially, or even spiritually. They can detract from our capacity to live within a society that humanity has created over eons of time.
We all bear some, commonly held, responsibility for this social reality.
For example, all of us, in so many ways, have cause to be increasingly aware of those who have significant physical differences (ex. cut curbs on every corner or simply coming to recognize, be aware of, outwardly visible physical manifestations).
Opportunities are made available in life to grow in knowledge and become more empathetic toward those faced with significant physical life differences.
However, Significant Mental Health Differences are experienced uniquely, for any of us. Yet, only those experiencing these very genuine and powerful forces can know how profoundly they affect their lives.
These forces may exist through no fault of their own, at any time. Yet, the very issues these forces present may cause much greater difficulty in life than others may experience.
How we see and experience our ability to succeed, in our own best interests, and maximize our well-being—sought by all of us—can be viewed very differently from how others may perceive us.
It depends upon many possible factors of our unique and commonly held natures and experiences.
Hopefully, we can all agree, that without sufficient mental clarity, the perceptions we would have of the world and the decisions made based on those perceptions could be extremely devastating, or, at minimum, hard to negotiate.
Who hasn’t experienced a major life issue or event that has left them reeling, as though the wind had been knocked out of them emotionally, if not physically, mentally, or spiritually? Was not decision-making significantly impaired at these times?
SMHDs are very much inward and invisible. They can be extremely devastating and debilitating to any normal capacity to live a common humanly dignified life of mutual respect, as most others do.
Persons who work with their own—individually experienced Significant Mental Health Differences (SMHD's)—very often find themselves working with them on a day-to-day basis. For they experience them not once, but often chronically and cyclically, many times without much hope of relief.
Even with relief, however, sufficient thought processes and mood differences can cause significant difficulty; creating havoc in the lives of many wanting desperately to utilize individual gifts, skills, and talents to fulfill personal preferences, just as most others do.
And, this is without even beginning to consider negotiating all the myriad relationships required to do so.
The term differences, as used here, refers to a significant lack of ability to function effectively in a society that has created itself in ways that most of us experience and accept as doable, workable, of our self-determined ability to succeed, and of our own free will and intellect.
And yet, there are so many who may find functioning fully much more difficult in so many diverse ways; attempting to discern a way forward from life circumstances—according to personal needs, experiences, and preferences;
...living in ways viewed as a personal means to succeed,—a common asperation in life .
However, this “normative” process of our commonly designed society, has created a social structure that mostly benefits those who can work best within it; those who can achieve some personally defined degree of “success”, some livable dignified level of self-support, and well-being.
Unfortunately, those living on the fringes of this commonly designed social structure —for whatever reasons—find themselves in a very disadvantaged position.
For a social structure designed by all, develops in a normative way, over time.
This "normative" means creates opportunities and options for those whom this social process generates opportunities and options for those capable of addressing them with some level of self-determined success; taking advantage of available “assets” within a society designed by all of us.
This all happens simply out of the personal directives we choose to follow.
This "normative" process creates opportunities and options for those who can address them with some level of self-determined success; taking advantage of available “assets” within a society designed by all of us.
This happens simply because of how we live out the personal directives we have chosen to follow.
However, circumstances beyond our control can impact us powerfully; where preferred options may not be available to us sufficiently or not at all, or utilized effectively.
These are options we not only want but may also truly desire and need to "succeed"
This “normative” nature of societal development tends to work out better for those who can more effectively/successfully live within it.
We all, in common, have and continue to create a self-determined society.
This normative societal development—how it selectively “averages out" its blessings and their availability to all—enables most to create a life for themselves by personal design, sufficiently satisfying, though certainly not perfectly.
For example, it may be an ability sufficient to satisfy a self-defined and acceptable degree of success; more effectively using skills and gifts to a fuller advantage; earning their success, and providing sufficiently for self and others.
In contrast, those on the fringes of our commonly designed society—beyond their control—may find themselves at various levels of disadvantage; those who are less able to take more effective advantage of what is available, what it offers to all of us;
...working better for some than others; that is to succeed effectively by personal self interests, capable of self-supporting physical, cognitive, emotional / social and/or spiritual well-being.
Under these conditions, so many of us—with differing degrees of understanding—can be unaware of the insufficiency in another individual's life circumstances; circumstances that may require significant additional support to live, even survive.
These supports can be, not only necessary, but critical to life itself; a life of personally identified, acceptable, livable, dignified efforts.
Critical support for some—without personal fault—provides not just desired or wanted, but often critically needed supplemental outreach from those more able; resources, advocacy, and life-changing if not life-saving support.
They are necessary supports to help minimize the impact upon an individual ability to achieve required needs for survival, let alone any desired or wanted level of success; all within the same social environment that we all inhabit and do our best to live well within it.
The personal desire to succeed is how we all want to define and live out our lives. It is a reality—an innate human trait—for each of us within this same social system commonly shared by all.
As mutual conspirators of our social structure, we all have had a hand in creating it.
Humanity bears a sacred responsibility to assist others; others less capable of surviving—let alone at some self-defined, dignified level of self-empowerment and self-satisfying success.
The reality is, that the slack must be unconditionally picked up by those who are more able to accomplish and do it within their efforts when reasonably able to do so.
Helping enable others to provide for themselves at a personally preferred and dignified level, is an important, even critical, commonly shared responsibility within a society for which we all hold a true part in creating.
This profoundly sacred responsibility can not be ignored. This is a responsibility we all share within our ability to utilize all we have been gifted, in mutual support, one to another.
Thought process and mood differences—SMHDs—can not only severely inhibit and rob a person of the moment, but cause a lifetime of seemingly unending periods of major debilitation.
With sufficient physical and spiritual capability, the average person, with a strong mind, can find a means of working with their situation, if they choose—to live according to this common social responsibility.
However, the bottom line, reality is,
".... as interdependent relational beings, we all require supportive association of all kinds to help us find our way and be able to live a life of dignity and self-identified quality of life."
And, for those whose state of mind, body, emotional stability, or spiritual crisis, does not provide a strong basis for working with their life issues:
....they can find themselves particularly disadvantaged regardless of how otherwise capable they may seem, either in the moment or varying lengths of time.
Major thought-process and mood differences attack the one body organ, the brain, which provides each of us with our greatest tool for effectively working with life issues and sustaining overall well-being.
SMHDs can, and very often do, severely impair one or more of these four major required human capabilities—physical, cognitive, emotional/social, and spiritual.
These are real requirements so often taken for granted; yet, remain critical in the ability of anyone to garner self-assured personal well-being.
Four of these critical human capabilities can be expressed as follows:
Try to imagine yourself being severely deficient in just one of these four basic necessary human capabilities; those that enable us to do and perform in life successfully. They all must be imminently sufficiently available, at the very point necessary action is key to sustaining successful action over time.
It would truly create a much different world for any of us to find ourselves deficient in even one of these 4 basic capIbilities.
This world could be one in which the taken-for-granted confidence in supporting our personal and collective well-being would be difficult, if not impossible to grasp—let alone live creatively within it and manage it successfully.
This is particularly true as we relate to and consider our life circumstances; as well as, how we have, as a society, in common, created a world of great opportunity for some and yet great difficulty for others.
It is precisely significant difficulties in these four areas that can profoundly plague the person working with chronic and severe thought process and mood differences, of whatever form.
We all are capable of recognizing that these four requirements are critical—from personal life experiences.
They are crucial, not only to ensure our ability to create the necessities for personal well-being but also the well-being of others. Especially when effective associations with others and other things in the world around us can so often be the most difficult and possibly insurmountable circumstances.
What may be an individual or collective "normal" capacity to succeed may not be possible, for anyone, at any moment of life.
For, our most critical human trait to succeed at taking effective action in life:
—the commonly held, innate human ability to resonate empathetically with life circumstances—
requires an, at the moment, empathetic resonance sufficient to empower whatever actions are necessary when aligned with each unique life opportunity encountered, individually or collectively.
The lack of sufficient empathetic resonance with life circumstances of any kind would be enough to require others to help meet a unique need in support and advocacy of another.
There also seem to be strong societal judgments, assumptions, generalizations, and inaccuracies (stigma), compounding these difficulties even more.
They can include and are certainly not limited to:
In the end, we all are vulnerable to circumstances that can significantly impair our ability to use all that we have been gifted to its fullest.
By our common humanity, to maximize well-being in times of sorrow or distress, we all count on the willingness and ability of other people to assist us in a personally acceptable way, some form of effective relationship.
The vast majority of those finding themselves working with some form of SMHD, continue to, as do we all, heroically attempt to create, value even in the face of tremendous adversity—a real personal truth for any of us.
This is a brave, heroic effort by anyone in life, especially under such circumstances.
The innate desire of every human being, regardless of life circumstances, is to consistently work to create value in the world. It is a basic human trait. It exists no matter how effective we are at expressing it.
—[Please access this LINK to an article considering, always making our "best" choices in life: "IS IT TRUE? We Always Make the "BEST" Choice Possible!" (revised) ?2023[mty] —
Yet, the capacity to create value in the world isn't always sufficient to succeed.
...It is this very capacity to create value, that allows us the profound opportunity to be “productive” (in a personally acceptable, social, and functional sense).
Yet, those who find themselves working with these types of life issues are all members of the same social fabric as anyone else—also desiring to be personally and socially productive—regardless of how effectively they are able to accomplish it.
We all create our future social environment simply by the composite decisions and contributions of every individual.
Wouldn’t it be most helpful to our society overall, if everyone—to the degree of individual ability—worked to ensure that every person make the most effective contributions possible?
Maximizing the strengths of all would contribute to a more vital, viable, and supportive social environment, now and in our commonly generated future legacy.
We all can be very self serving. So let it be done in ways that enhance things for everyone.
Just because there exists struggling and suffering very different from our own and not well enough understood, does not mean that necessary opportunities to assist others in such circumstances aren’t within our individual and commonly held social responsibility—within every person's capability to do so.
Even when those working with SMHDs are considered a viable integrated healthy component to the social fabric, all too often may live very difficult lives that most cannot even begin to imagine.
Yes, happiness is as happiness "happens"
Each one of us has inherited the quality of our social structure from all who have come before. Each individual plays a part.
Everyone has a sacred responsibility to do their best, creating value and making a difference in the society in which we live and gift into the future.
Creating value can be enhanced for all by simply living individual lives with a strong sense of every person's unearned right, without exception, to common human respect and dignity
—More on this topic HERE: "HUMAN SOUL – Designed and Empowered to Fulfill the Divine Creative Purpose" (revised)?2024[mty] —
A commonly held responsibility of all humanity is to live lives of individual self-respect with one another as sentient relational beings and assist others in their equal right to live a dignified life.
This basic common human respect one to another is unconditional, owed every human being equally.
Any other type of respect must be earned, within ones self and in our associations with the world around us.
Even so, we all must keep in mind and heart our fallibility and imperfections.
Any of us can only do what we are able, within our own capacity to do so.
In this sense, we are responsible for creating our best "happening" with all we have been gifted.
Our well-being is "best enhanced" by recognizing, appreciating, and living out our common human social responsibility to one another—assisting others' efforts to utilize all they have to give, the ability to create their own best happening.
Please contact local emergency services OR CRISIS HOTLINE LINK CLICK HERE!
In the US, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 OR Text 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255 OR Text 741741 from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
AND NOW A NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE NUMBER HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FCC "9-8-8" (thank you Winnie Anderson / on FaceBook for the awareness of this)
In The UK: Call Samaritans 116 123
In Australia Call: Lifeline 13 11 14 OR Suicide Callback Service - 1-300-659-467
In Canada: Canada Suicide Prevention Service - 1-833-456-4566
If you are Trans and considering suicide, please click this link and call the Trans Lifeline ?US: 877-565-8860 Canada: 877-330-6366.
If you are LGBTQ and considering suicide, please click the link and call the Trevor Project ?1-866-488-7386. Please contact local emergency services or CRISIS HOTLINE LINK HERE!
[2] - for access to an excellent website for mental health support please link HERE;
An excellent online resource for any type of mental health concern is: PSYCHCENTRAL—LINKED HERE — -- it includes and definitely not limited to: Conditions, Quizzes, News & Experts, Finding Help;
----------------------------------- also --------------------------------------
NAMI | National Alliance on Mental Illness
Crisis Information
If you or someone you know has thoughts of death or suicide, in the US call (800) 273-TALK (800-273-8255) or 9-1-1, and now 9-8-8 specifically for mental health intersession, immediately.
You can also text DBSA to 741-741. Or contact a medical professional, clergy member, loved one, friend, or hospital emergency room.
DBSA Crisis envisions wellness for people living with mood disorders, depression, and bipolar. DBSA offers in-person and online support groups for people living with another person experiencing SMHD's...
Find a Support Group
DBSA chapters may offer depression and bipolar support groups ...
We aim to provide hope, support, and inspiration to those living with SMHDs...
DBSA online support groups provide people living with:
Chapters and Support Groups
DBSA chapters offer peer-run Depression and Bipolar support ...
Blue Bird as you may know my passion for mental health awareness is second only to my passion for kindness. Interesting article I think this part is the key --"Bottom line, the reality is, as interdependent relational beings, we all require relationships of all kinds to help us find our way and be able to live a life of dignity and self-identified quality of life"--. As a person who has made her career in supporting differently-abled people, I have often professed this, none of us get through life on our own you may need an accountant or have cleaning people, or a mechanic...we all need support and should not think less of anyone who does. Ok off my soapbox, thank you for the great post, Blue Bird !
Jill, There was a study of infants who were approached in different ways. one approach was smiling one was laughing one was crying one was sad and when the baby was approached in each way he felt that persons joy ,pain etc. When the baby was approached with a straight face no emotion the baby started crying.I really loved this study because it tells us that what we do ,our facial expressions matter and the other can feel our emotions through our facial expressions so it’s important to put on a happy face and smile ??
MS. Bird,
MS. Bird Author ??Co-Founder at CyberParentalGuardians(CPG)??2growit4ward??Randomact?OneNation??FreeJobSupport??Global Peace Amb??GGA
I'm humbled and honored with your action to give support to this great cause as we're about to cover all life situations from the earliest stage of?kids' lives till their integration in the world of adults with all support for getting their first jobs.
Of course, a huge impact will have all , ,??working on the project worldwide. We will prove that by working together through the right education from the earliest childhood we can make a difference in this world, we will provide the? ?
Ramasarma Adivarahasarma ? Following Be Humane| Be you| Be choiceless|Be beyond|Help People| Spread love|Just flow in the waves & words|Stream the abundance|
Mental health has become a grave problem in the world. Our mind goes through various pressures putting our body in a lot of fixes and other problems. Everything happens as a result of mind and it has become so important that we care, share, spare a thought and dispel the loneliness of the people who have been affected, and give them the much-needed solace so that they are able to breathe freely in a deep world which has become so narrow and shallow as a result of shrinking kindness and magnanimity. They expect us to be human and we do that extra bit to display that humane attitude to invoke a feel & instill a ray of hope and confidence that people are there to support them. Mental toughness is what they need and they can get it only when we stop seeing them as victims and start loving them from the bottom of our hearts. The order-less society has landed them in a state of disorder. We need to shed the identity tag and take the cosmic baton to ensure that the golden flame is lighted there brightly uplifting the spirits of people. We strive to attain salvation and this is the life where we can come together to carve the road ahead to eternity and spread the message of love & play the 'R song'. Thank you so much Blue Bird .
Leona Thom 1st - Guardian Angel at Take2econds2Growit4ward Looking for opportunity to do home share (Pride Care)
Very important and within 6 degrees we will affect someone we know for the positive.?On top of that by helping others it will come back and help you.
Thanks, Blue Bird for the mention. Great message, let's help others and share
Ankit Gupta 1st - [in] It to be the change, make the change and for the change
Well explained post. Great message. Worth reading. Always inspire and motivate others. Be Kind. Spread Smiles. Thanks for the kind mention, my dear Blue Bird !!
Saheb Youssef Bakhsh 1st - Are you communicating your "Why" effectively? Sales and Marketing Strategist | Business Growth Partner
What a lovely and uplifting post to instigate awareness and kindness among all. Thank you Blue Bird
Anurag Pandey 1st - Sales Engineer Motion Control Products | Mechanical Engineer l Technical Sales
Blue Bird thanks for the mention. Great article by
Heather Roberts SPN (Parke) 1st - Find You..Be You Counselling and Training Service Supporting you in your life and working with you to help you change
Blue Bird love this post!
Mike Restivo 1st - CEO and Owner Restivo Wealth Management and Restivo Career Development Advisory
Blue Bird Thanks for the Tag!?Rather than adopt a passive life attitude, adopt that of the social hero, warrior and champion who develops personality and mind and heart to sustain in any kind of environment, always promoting one's proven capabilities and willingness or capacity to deploy them for profit/love/happiness of anyone or any company with which one associates. No waiting, hoping, regrets, love forsaken, but a fulfilled human life lived as best as possible.
Purvi-Sonia Davé 1st - Founder of FamTyme an Emotional Well-Being App That Helps Parents Build A Strong Bond With Their Kids|LION ??
It takes the same amount of energy to do be kind or unkind and this energy stays with you so I ask why ruin yours and someone else's day? It doesn't make you weak if you are kind toward others, in fact some of the most warmest kind human beings I know are also the strongest people I know. Tks for sharing Blue Bird and for tagging me
Patricia Maiolo-Costanza 1st - Project Leader & Communication Specialist
Helping others one day at a time. Thanks for mention Blue Bird
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