Significant Increase in Tourist Arrivals

Significant Increase in Tourist Arrivals

ZIMBABWE is experiencing a massive growth in cross-border tourism, with international tourist arrivals rising by 27 percent in 2024.

International tourist arrivals increased from 592 567 in 2023 to 751 483 in the first half of 2024.

During this same period, tourism receipts grew by 24 percent, rising from approximately US$398 million in 2023 to around US$493 million in 2024.

According to the UNWTO’s World Tourism Barometer, international tourism has recovered from pre-pandemic levels, with most destinations exceeding the 2019 numbers.

Specifically, an estimated 1,4 billion international tourists were recorded globally in 2024, an 11 percent increase over 2023, representing 140 million additional tourists.

Preliminary estimates indicate that total tourism revenues reached USD$1,9 trillion in 2024, approximately three percent higher than the pre-pandemic levels and four percent above 2019 figures.

This emerged during an induction workshop for the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Mutare last week.

Among the primary objectives of the three-day workshop was strengthening the ability of the committee to effectively execute its oversight mandate over the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry’s policies, strategies and programmes in the tourism and hospitality sector, capacitate the committee to be able to advocate for the growth of domestic and international tourism as well as to equip the committee with the necessary knowledge and information to address the challenges confronting the tourism and hospitality industry.

Speaking at the workshop, Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda urged the legislators to ensure that they uphold the constitutional principles, while exercising oversight of the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

“As elected representatives, it is imperative that you consistently uphold the constitutional tenets.

“The Portfolio Committee on Tourism and Hospitality Industry should be guided by these tenets in exercising oversight on the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

“These constitutional tenets reflect the immense trust that the electorate has placed on you as their representatives. It is this trust that forms the very foundation of the strength and purpose of our Parliament as the only representative institution.

“The constitutional tenets, such as the provisions of Section 119 of the Constitution, empower you to summon Ministers and officials to give oral evidence as part of the oversight process,” said Advocate Mudenda.

He hailed the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders for a bold decision to divest Tourism and Hospitality from the Committee on Environment, Climate and Wildlife to be a stand-alone committee, saying tourism is an extensive industry as defined by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation since it encompasses leisure tourism, business tourism, sports tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, medical tourism, religious tourism and eco-tourism.

He said each one of the categories is defined by the primary motivation of the tourist and the intended activities to be undertaken during the traveller’s visit.

“It should be acknowledged that there is a symbiotic relationship between tourism, the environment and climate change. A pristine environment rich in natural beauty, wildlife and breathtaking landscapes forms the backbone of a vibrant tourism and hospitality industry. Zimbabwe is renowned for its extraordinary natural endowments that global tourists crave to experience such as the majestic and thundering Victoria Falls, the vast wilderness of Hwange National Park and the ancient stone masterpieces of Great Zimbabwe as well as the scenic Eastern Highlands.

“ Thus, the environmental biodiversity has to be jealously preserved for the sake of sustainable tourism and hospitality industry,” added Advocate Mudenda.

Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister, Honourable Babra Rwodzi, said: “As a ministry and our agencies, we are ready to have an open and transparent discussion for our portfolio committee members to understand what it is that we do, what it is we are mandated to do and what it is that we should do.”

Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Advocate Misheck Mugadza said for tourism and hospitality to thrive and remain stable, it is essential that Government, private sector and local communities collaborate to foster an environment that supports growth in these sectors.

“I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Parliament of Zimbabwe for selecting Manicaland Province as the venue for this parliamentary portfolio induction workshop. “This is particularly significant given the ministry’s decision to bring the Sanganai/Hlanganani World Travel Expo event to Manicaland for the first time ever.

“The province is truly honoured by this recognition, which will play a crucial role in showcasing the region’s vast potential in natural tourism products and its rich cultural heritage across various areas. It is my hope that we continue to unlock the full potential of tourism products in Manicaland and across Zimbabwe.

“We believe that the benefits of this growth will not only contribute to the national economy but will also have a positive impact on local communities through community-based tourism initiatives. By empowering communities to actively participate in and benefit from tourism, we can ensure sustainable development, create job opportunities, and improve the livelihoods of our people, while preserving the unique cultural and natural resources that make our country and province so special.”



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