A Significant Faith Based New Direction
After many years in business, first as a Manufacturers' Representative / Business owner, and then more recently as a financial services professional, we have found a new direction in our business life. Possibly the direction has always been there, but this is simply a change of emphasis. We have always been a Christian and worked to conduct ourselves personally and professionally with a strong Ethic of helping our clients.
At the same time, as a small business person, I've done what amounts to all types of copy writing from white papers to sales letters to website design and more. At the same time I've observed that many businesses could benefit from copy writing from a Christian perspective, beginning by letting their prospects know of the faith base in the business and the commitment of ownership to Christian principles.
I've also recently read many studies that have indicated that many prospects (83% of those surveyed in one survey) would change to a Christian based supplier... if they only knew.
With that in mind, we are making that leap of faith to share who we are and what we do and how. Being well aware of the term "political correctness" and the risks of stepping outside those boundaries, we faithfully share this new business direction and invite others who might like our help to let us know who you are.