The significance of organisational transformation

The significance of organisational transformation

The road is littered with failed transformation programs set up traditionally: Leaders define objectives, design a project plan, agree on KPIs, and recruit the right people. The failure rate in transformations is 87%, which organisations cannot afford in these disruptive times. An organisational transformation is a strategic approach to moving your organisation from where it is now to the future. For an organisation to succeed and grow, it must undergo organisational change. Organisational transformation is pivotal for successfully adopting and implementing change in the workplace. It enables employees to comprehend the shift, commit to it, and work efficiently.

Why is it essential to prioritise organisational transformation?

The transition in business gets smooth with effective organisational transformation during the transition. Organisational change is necessary, and companies that want to stay ahead of the curve must adopt new technology.

Accelerate digital transformation for organisational growth

1. A well-defined vision and objectives

Scientific research literature shows that it’s critical for the organisation’s employees to understand why the transformation is taking place. What the organisation wants to achieve and how it will affect business outcomes. If a clear purpose is defined, the transformation success rate rises by more than 80%. Employees, leaders, middle managers, and senior executives will understand the “why” of the transformation if a clear purpose, vision, and goals are strategised and shared with them.

2. Change management from a holistic perspective

Transformation must be a holistic approach that addresses multiple aspects of the business to be successful. For example, suppose your company goal is to transform your current business processes into more agile and collaborative ones. In that case, you’ll need to consider how it will affect your organisational structure, the technology you’re using, and whether there will be a capability gap.

3. Developing a strategy and a strategy plan

Make a list of the steps you’ll need to take to transform the company. Begin with the end in mind and work your way back through the organisation. A plan with a timeline helps to make the transformation process more tangible and keeps the focus on the task at hand.

4. Setting priorities

It’s impossible to make all the necessary changes all at once. Instead, prioritise the issues you want to address. It’s also possible that the transformation strategy will evolve with time. So, reevaluate things, modify the plan, and not be afraid to reprioritise.

5. Involvement of decision-makers and stakeholder management

Including key stakeholders in the process is critical if you want to succeed. At the start of the process, identify who these people are and remind them why the transformation is taking place and their role. After all, effectively defining roles and responsibilities can boost transformation success by 70 %.

6. Disseminating transformation advantages

Make the change process as transparent as possible. Not just to critical stakeholders but everyone in the organisation. It will be less difficult to overcome any resistance to the change. Create a written communication strategy that addresses all concerns, including the new company’s appearance. Ensure that communication is two-way and that employees can ask questions and express their concerns.

7. Consistently align leadership

It’s critical to have a complete agreement with all executives on the purpose and scope of the change that needs to take place. Then, if there is a disagreement, put it on the table, work it out, and adjust the plan. Just don’t wait until the change has occurred before acting.

8. Employee-centric transformation process

Employees are at the heart of your business. Focus on their needs throughout the transformation process and keep them updated on the progress. This can also imply removing ineffective hierarchies obstructing progress and reorganising teams that set the pace for transformation and do not act as speed breakers in the path to change.

9. Keeping track of progress

It will show you how much work you’ve already completed, how much work you still have ahead of you, and whether you need to pivot. Utilise data, solicit feedback from employees and other stakeholders, and monitor the success of this long-term change.

10. Creating a high-performance culture

Creating a healthy competitive environment for employees through collaborative and interactive training fosters a high-performance culture that encourages employees to share and brainstorm ideas to come up with the best ideas to achieve a collective goal cost-effectively. Learning needs to be deeply integrated with an organisation’s core strategies and talent transformation processes to bring about organisational transformation. Organisations are made from people, processes, and machines. Hence, the first and foremost thing to achieve transformation is to change mindsets. The strategy must be aligned with your business initiatives and objective to achieve organisational transformation.


A former CEO explained why they failed; it was because they got the market against them, and it turned around. This is nonsense; nobody gets the market against them if they continuously develop with the market and keep pace with market developments. The market is constantly changing, and to take advantage of the change, it is imperative to transform mindsets that help transform the organisation to achieve its business goals. The right skills, knowledge, and talent are pivotal to achieving the desired targets. It is crucial to setting the path to organisational transformation. Strategic decision-making will bear little fruit without effective transformational strategies. A significant organisational change is a must for the overall development and evolution of the company to stay ahead of the competition.


Professor of Leadership| Sustainability Protagonist | Facilitating Systems Thinking & Sustainability Mindset

2 年

Chiefly, the organizational transformation program fails because of widespread non-systematic and mechanistic approaches. Understanding how systems work is fundamental to effective transformation. The implicit purpose of a system is embedded in the structure, hence, the structural condition determines the system behavior.

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Create job satisfaction and get engaged employees! | Strategy | Facilitation | Coaching | Teaching | Consciousness | Mindfulness | Human Design

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The organization should be built to serve it's purpose, to solve its mission. Way too many organizations put their mission upon structures and culture that already exist, even if they are not suitable anymore. A digital transformation fundamentally changes how the organization delivers its services, how it serves its customers. This means we need to rebuild or organization accordingly. Not only in structure, but how leaders lead, how decisions are made and how people think.


