The significance of Diameter- to- length ratio in selecting dental implants.
The dimensions of Implant has a big influence on load transfer characteristics and the durability of the implant. Undue stress at peri- Implant area may result in bone damage. Implant dimensions can be selected by finding the critical point at the implant bone interface and evaluating its influence. Different cylindrical implants are numerically analyzed and geometrical models generated from computed tomography images of mandible with oseo- integrated implants are made. Then masticatory pressure is applied in its natural direction and oblique to occlusal plane.
There after maximum stresses were located around the implant neck at the critical point of its intersection with the plane of loading. These were calculated to be functions of implant diameter-to-length ratio. A certain spectrum of diameter-to-length ratios exists, that can maintain maximum bone stresses at a preset level. But this needs to be decided on the basis of the patient's bone strength.