The Significance of Care Labels.
Why Are Care Labels So Important?
It is critical to read the care labels when purchasing items, especially clothing. It would be impossible to know how to properly care for a specific garment without the guidance of an accurate care label, potentially ruining the fabric in the long run.
Care Labels' Importance
So, why should you read clothing care labels?
Certain materials may rip, come apart, or even shrink if they are not handled properly. Colors frequently run onto other clothes in the washing machine without proper care labels, and some fabrics should not be washed at all; instead, they should be dry cleaned by a professional service.
Garment labels, for example, are sewed into the inside of the fabric to inform the customer of any special care instructions for the item. Unfortunately, some clothing, bedding, and even curtains are more difficult to clean and maintain than others, and their care labels may include additional instructions.
When customers are looking for specific items to purchase, the care labels often determine whether they are willing to follow the exact recommendations and possibly hand wash the item or pay the extra expense of taking it to a dry cleaner.
What information should my care labels contain?
Care labels usually state whether an item should be hand washed and air dried or machine washed; if machine washed, it may need to be washed on a specific cycle, such as gentle or delicate. Sweaters, for example, must be laid flat and allowed to air dry on a regular basis to avoid shrinkage.
Winter coats, leisure suits, and even comforters are frequently cleaned using a fabric steamer or a professional drying cleaning service. Certain materials cannot be soaked in hot or cold water for extended periods of time, nor can they be cleaned with common detergents.
Reading the care label can also tell you how much heat an item can withstand if it's put in the dryer or ironed to remove wrinkles and creases. At times, the label will specify that an item should be dried on a very cold cycle or even tumble dried; additionally, many types of fabric cannot withstand high temperatures and may melt.
How we can help you.
If you are looking for quality labels for your products visit mosaic vision , email us? or call our representative at +92 324 847373. We have more than 20 years of experience of working with the leading brands not only in Pakistan but across the globe.