"The significance of the BinaraFull Moon Poya day"
Buddhika Dananjaya CMktr ,BA(Hons)(UK), DipM,ACIM(UK)
Premier Relationship Officer - Platinum Plus Branch | Financial Risk Management Branch Credit Officer
The Binara Poya full moon Poya day usually fall into the month of September of the western calendar
After 5 years of noble Enlightenment, where the period the load Buddha was in Kapilavastu, Maha -Prajapathi Gothami, requested the permission to go forth into the homeless, which previously Load Buddha has been rejected the same three times.
The story of how Maha-Prajapathi Gothami how asked is narrating the old Buddhist chronicle more descriptively.
Maha Prajapathi Gothami and 500 women from who willing, has been walked to Nigrodharama in Kapilavastu with barefoot, the situation explained this caused cracks the heels and bleeding. They urge their request ordained as a nun. The Load Buddha permitted the request of her and the other 500 women’s after laying 8 tenets as code of Bhikkunies.
This day is considering as the beginning of Bhikkunies Sasana.
After the ordination, by practicing noble Dhamma, Maha Prajapathi Gothami attained Arahat-ship soon. Arahat Prajapathi Gothami lived 120 years. "Maha Prajapathi Gothami proved to the world that women are capable as men when they empowered assessed by the determination and commitment without biased sentimental fondness".
One of the other reason why Binara Poya is significant, The Vas season (Rainey-Retreat) continues in these months, due to the rainy seasons all monks are refusing to come to visit Pindapatha, and they stayed in-house temples or monasteries.