The significance of academic research in comprehending organisational behaviour in the hospitality industry.

The significance of academic research in comprehending organisational behaviour in the hospitality industry.


One of the most important aspects of the hospitality industry is organisational behaviour, which encompasses a wide range of topics, including but not limited to leadership, motivation, communication, and decision-making. Academic research is an incredibly significant aspect in acquiring a knowledge of the complexity of organisational behaviour in the hospitality industry. This is the case despite the fact that the hotel business often places a focus on the importance of soft skills. In this article, the notion that the hospitality industry is only reliant on soft skills is called into question. The essay analyses the relevance of academic research in expanding our knowledge of organisational behaviour in the hotel sector, and it highlights the importance of academic research in this regard.

Understanding of Human Behavior

Academic research provides valuable insights into human behavior within the hospitality sector. It is possible to get significant insights into human behaviour within the hotel industry via research that is undertaken at academic institutions. This is especially relevant as people are the backbone of the hotel industry. The outcomes of a research that was carried out by Schneider and Bowen (2018) have shown that having an understanding of human behaviour is necessary in order to establish a happy atmosphere at work and provide outstanding service to all of the clients. It may be beneficial for hospitality managers to do research in areas such as employee motivation, job satisfaction, and organisational culture when it comes to the process of developing successful methods to engage and retain individuals in their workforce.

Impact of Leadership and Management

Further, the results of academic research give important insights into the management and leadership methods that are widespread in the hotel industry. A study that was conducted by Avolio and Yammarino (2018) came to the conclusion that good leadership is a crucial component in the process of developing organisational success within the hotel sector. This result was reached throughout the course of the research that was carried out. It is through the conduct of research in this field that it is possible to determine the leadership styles and management techniques that are the most successful in terms of contributing to the increase of employee happiness, excellence in customer service, and overall success for the organisation.

Innovation and Technology

A further benefit of academic research is that it offers insight into the manner in which technology breakthroughs and innovations influence the behaviour of firms that are working in the hospitality industry. Sigala (2019) draws attention to the fact that technology improvements have had a considerable influence on the operations of hospitality firms. This has resulted in changes to the responsibilities that workers play, the interactions that they have with clients, and the services that they provide. Those in the hospitality business who are interested in adjusting to technological changes while still offering exceptional customer service may be able to acquire a significant amount of insight by doing research on subjects such as digitalization, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Customer Experience and Service Quality

Moreover, academic research provides a contribution to a better knowledge of the quality of service that is delivered within the hotel industry as well as the experience that guest?have. When it comes to surpassing the expectations of clients, the writers Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (2020) have paid attention to the significance of providing?individualized?service and paying special attention to each and every detail. The approach of doing research in this field assists hotels?in determining the essential aspects that have an influence on the level of satisfaction and loyalty that their guest?experience about their services. The gathering of this information is beneficial in terms of making strategic choices about the management of customer relationships and the provision of services.


For the purpose of enhancing our comprehension of the organisational behaviour that takes place within the hospitality industry, it is essential that we engage in academic research. Additionally, research offers crucial insights into human behaviour, leadership, creativity, and the experience of the customer. This is in addition to the conventional focus that is put on "soft skills" in the sector. Due to this particular rationale, it is plainly evident that academic research has a significant level of relevance in the hotel industry. It provides crucial insights that assist to the enhancement of the efficacy of the organisation, the happiness of the employees, and the overall profitability of the corporation.


Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (2018). Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (2020). SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40.

Schneider, B., & Bowen, D. E. (2018). Employee and customer perceptions of service in banks: Replication and extension. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69(1), 126-133.

Sigala, M. (2019). Service operations management in the era of digitalization and servitization: A review and research


Dr. Coenrad A Groenewald (DBA, MPHIL, MBA)的更多文章

