Signed...the Universe
Beth Hudson
“Mindless habitual behaviour is the enemy of innovation.” Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Let's imagine…
Think of your life, your time here, as time spent on a little raft, gliding along a long, curvy river.
You are perched on a raft that you have made or been given or maybe a even bit of both. Your raft might be prestine and fancy, basic and sturdy or perhaps in rough condition. Either way, you are not alone. I am your coach, I am here and I have your best interest at heart.
I am not actually on the raft with you, but am watching from above or just beyond the breeze on your skin and the sun on your face.
I have a magic wand with super powers.
I can change the elements. I can help you with speed and ease. I can change your raft. I can remove obstacles. I can protect you. I can even bring people into your journey. I can do a lot of things.
If I see that you aren’t being as quick or productive as you could be (struggling, slowing down or running out of steam) or if you take a split in the river that isn’t good or even if you are going wrong way, I can step in and change your route or help you.
I can help you in many ways.
I can:
Flip the boat gently instigating a choice to build a new raft to float on, perhaps an even faster, stronger or more efficient raft
Pick you up and set you on down in another location along the river (don't worry, we won't go back to beginning…but you will start again from this new location and you are still ahead of where you were before. You can even decide to build a better raft with what you know now!)
Push you forward, pick you up and put you ahead or help you get through rapids. I can gently guide you, too.
Bring in helpers to assist you
I might give you an engine to make your journey easier, inspiration, strength and skills to help you along the way or even the tools you need to repair any damages
Though, I can see the rapids ahead, I might let you ride through them anyways. Don't worry, I am still with you and know that this experience is going to benefit you or another in some way.
Now remember, you can always ask me to step in and help. If I think it is in your or someone else's best interest, I will wave my magic wand and make magic happen. Other times, I might send you love and strength and let you carry on, as-is or I might provide an alternative solution or learning experience. It probably won't make any sense to you, but it does to me.
You know I can see the big picture from my view. I can see all of the joys and pleasure to come, as well as the challenges, frustrations and danger.
Now, don’t worry if I pick you up and take you off this river entirely. I will only do that if there is a really good reason. You may come and hang out with me or I may pick you up and set you down on a different river. You may know the reason, or you may not. It might be because your journey on this river is complete, sometimes it is to protect you, sometimes its because there is a better river for you to travel on, there's more to learn or perhaps because you are needed somewhere else right now.
Let me ask you know why you are on this raft, on this river, having this experience?
You might think it is a race. Perhaps you think it is about reaching the finish line first, or even at all. Or maybe you believe it is about the journey; the experiences, friends, adventures, fun and laughter. Perhaps you think it is about being the best boat builder or best raftsman you can be. About being the fastest, strongest or having the biggest boat. Or perhaps you think it's about surviving the obstacles and simply staying afloat. Maybe, you think it is about the learning and growth or helping others along the way, making a difference with their experience. Or maybe its about enjoying the beauty of it all, the gorgeous views, interesting experiences and lovely moments.
What truly matters for you? What do you want your raft ride look like?
Are you rushing to the finish line for the reward, prize or pot of gold? Are you so busy fixing your raft, trying to make it perfect that you haven't started your journey yet? Are you focused on honing your skills? Are you paddling like a maniac, up or down stream and missing the double rainbow, the blue heron fly overhead or the group singing beautiful camp songs around a fire?
Are you gliding down with the current, going wherever the current takes you? Are you stuck on the bank and not going anywhere, at all? Is the water smooth or tumultuous right now? Is the sun shining or is it raining right now? Are you hot or cold? Are you controlling the boat? ?Do you prefer to improve your rafting skills or enjoy take more time to enjoy the beauty along on the way?
If you see a tipped raft, do you stop to help? If you see a person struggling, do you lend a helping hand or stop to give them a push?
What do you need more of? What matters to you?
Enjoying the scenery
Doing your best
Learning what you can
Overcoming challenges
Following your intuition
Being strong
Developing your skills
Helping others
Making friends
Having fun
Taking time to relax
- Exploring
Appreciating the ride
Having faith
Being at peace
- Prolonging the ride
- Connecting with me
Don't forget, you are not alone.
Talk to me, I love to hear from you and am simply a breath away! Ask for help when needed and know that I am always looking out for you. I am your friend and love you. Sometimes I am closer to you and physically guiding you and other times I am back a little further, still watching and caring, but letting you do your thing.
Either way, you are having quite the amazing experience, and after all, you signed up for this raft ride. You wanted to experience this journey for a reason.
You chose the lessons, the challenges, the learning. You wanted the joy, the fun, the adventure....the experience. You even chose your raft, the course and your neighbours and friends. Do you remember why?
I do!
Signed with love from,
The Universe
aka. God, your Higher-Power