The Signature Process: Secured & Simplified
The “wet” signature process is both time and cost straining. manual processes are costly, as well as no longer the preferred avenue in the COVID-19 “new normal” anymore.
Does this sound familiar? The signed document you just received needs to be prepared. Staples are removed and any damages are repaired. Then the document is scanned, images captured and corrections are made. Finally the image needs to be indexed to connect the scanned version to a digital record in a database. This all in the hopes that the printer and scanner doesn’t go on strike.
RealystSignatures simplifies and secures the contract signature process and allows hassle and risk free engagement at the application, underwriting and claims stages of the customer journey.
Realyst enables you to securely and legally sign any document, any where, anytime and on any device whilst removing the need for physical contact.
If you would like to discuss how we could digitize contract signatures within your organisation, simply click here and our Team will get in touch.
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