Signature fraud: criteria and consequences

Signature fraud: criteria and consequences

Greetings and welcome back to another edition of Privy Presents, a newsletter specifically curated by Privy team to discuss digital identity and other closely related topics, delivered to you every Wednesday.?

Surely, many of us can relate to the shared experience of attempting to replicate our parents' signatures during our younger years. Whether driven by curiosity or the pursuit of mastering their penmanship, this familiar endeavor resonates with most.?

Yet, the innocence that once accompanied this act undergoes a transformation when one contemplates integrating it into their everyday existence. The seemingly harmless gesture takes on a different complexion when considered in practical application.?


What does signature forgery mean??

We might label the previous example as ‘harmless', given that children typically lack the intent to exploit the duplicated signature for any specific purpose. In contrast, when adults endeavor to replicate or counterfeit another individual's signature, their motivations are often different.?

Signature forgery is an act of counterfeiting someone else's signature, driven by the aim to gain an advantage, encompasses actions like enrolling in financial services or granting approval where they lack the rightful authorization.?

In Indonesia, engaging in such behavior carries its own justifiable consequences and may lead to appropriate punitive measures being enforced.?


What are the consequences of signature forgery??

The act of signature forgery is included in the form of forged letters that can be charged under Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Indonesian Book of Criminal Law Code (KUHP). The perpetrator is threatened with imprisonment for six to eight years.?

Nonetheless, it's crucial to recognize that not all cases of signature forgery warrant reporting to the authorities for legal repercussions.??

However, when these types of documents are forged, the perpetrators are then qualified for punitive action:?

  • A letter that can issue rights, such as a diploma, entry ticket, or share certificate.?
  • Letters that can issue agreements, such as accounts receivable agreements, sale and purchase agreements, rental agreements, and other agreements.?
  • Letters that can issue debt relief, such as receipts, checks, and others.?
  • Letters that can be used as a statement of an event, such as birth certificates, cash books, and others.?


How Privy can help with certified digital signature?

Embracing digital solutions significantly mitigates the potential for document and signature forgery. Upon uploading a document to Privy's application, it becomes securely stored online, serving as a legitimate reference for signatures.?

Privy reinforces the safeguarding of critical and sensitive data through a suite of advanced protective technologies, including robust two-factor authentication. This security framework makes unauthorized activities like theft, forgery, or replication significantly challenging to be carried out.??


As we reach the end of the edition, we would like to remind you to always be aware of your important information and data anytime, anywhere.?

Thank you for reading and see you next Wednesday!?

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