Signaroad - Premium condition used mats for ONLY $795 USD per mat. See why this mat is right for you!
By using Signaroad you will:
- Not have to worry about breaking mats!
- Not have to clean up broken boards and splinters after the mats are lifted.
- Not have to worry about complaints from land owners.
- Not have to worry about introducing any soil diseases or invasive seeds on to the land owners property.
- Reduce the stress on infrastructure as the number of trucks required to move these mats is a 1/3 of what what would be needed to move wood mats to cover this same distance. We can move over 1,100 linear feet of access road on a Super B at $5 to $7 per mat.
- Perfect access roads - seamless, will not move, no gaps or drop offs at edge of mats to damage tires and equipment
- 6.8' x 10' x 2.5"
- Only 496 lbs
- 57,600 lbs per sqft load rating.
- Overlapping flange creates a very strong connection system. Perhaps the most versatile mat on the market today.
- Cleaning your mats in minutes, saving you money after the project is over!
Call, text or email today to get a quote to rent or purchase Signaroads for your next project!
Darren Bray
Prairie Ground Solutions
Ph - (204) 573-4031
See our Signaroad in action below: