Signals that a hydraulic cylinder repair is needed
Hydraulic cylinders are a very important part of the machinery. Here are some common issues of hydraulic cylinders include:
Strange noises
If the hydraulic cylinder sounds more like a jackhammer, there may be air in the hydraulic fluid or not enough fluid reaching parts of the hydraulic circuit. This lack of lubrication can overheat components and burn seals.
Odd movements
Any unusual jerky movements could be a sign of too much friction inside the cylinder. If this is left untreated, it can cause bigger issues.
Irregular temperatures
Make sure you are fully aware of the maximum and minimum temperatures your hydraulic cylinder can operate at. Overheating can occur quickly and can cause lasting damage.
Increased energy usage
If the energy usage is increasing it means that your hydraulic cylinder is working harder – a clear sign that something is wrong. It can also put a strain on other parts of your machine which will force them to work harder than they need to.
Signs of wear and tear
Is the cylinder moving in a straight line? If you’ve noticed damage on a particular side of the cylinder it means that something is out of alignment. This must be rectified immediately as it will cause long-term damage.
For more information about hydraulic cylinder design or repair, please just feel free to contact lily by WhatsApp or Wechat at 8613964561246.