The sign you've been waiting for
1-min read, endless possibilities

The sign you've been waiting for

You may be wondering, "why is this the sign I've been waiting for?"

Let me tell you. 

You're seeing this because we've connected in some way - you've attended one of my sessions, we're just in the same network or someone has shared this with you.

Either way, I know that if we're connected, it means you care about people. 

And if you care about people, you're going to want to know about this. 

After launching in late 2021 and putting over 190 managers through our Effective Manager Program with an average session rating of 9.1

... 9.1!! Out of 10! (I'm clearly very proud of this)

I'm very excited to announce that we are officially launching the Effective Manager Program for 2023!

After filling our 2 public cohorts this year, we've decided to offer 4 cohorts next year to keep up with your demand for the program. 

So, what's in it for you?

Well, other than offering an amazing program with proven ROI that offers practical, tangible skills that can be implemented immediately in the workplace, we're also offering a $1,000 discount to anyone who signs up in the month of October! 

With the first cohort kicking off in February, places will go fast, so head here for all the info on the program, including dates, and a link to the Expression of Interest form. 

I can't wait to walk beside you on this exciting journey to becoming an effective manager. 

Jess Weiss

Managing Consultant

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