Business school brochure masterclass

Business school brochure masterclass

Discover how to make your brochure irresistible to future students with expert insight from one of the world’s leading creative agencies for business schools.

Join SIM7’s Creative Director for a free, exclusive webinar.

We’ll share insider tips and strategies drawn from our extensive research and experience.


  • The psychology behind an effective brochure
  • When to deploy your critical messages
  • Our proven design hierarchy
  • What makes a stand-out digital brochure
  • How to create an individual tone of voice

You’ll leave with all the knowledge you need to make your school shine brighter than the rest and attract more world-class students.

There’s no obligation. Simply come along, bring your team, and learn something new.

Places are limited, but we do have two options to choose from depending on your time zone. See you there.


Date & time

European lunchtime session

29th June, 1:00pm CEST (12:00pm BST)

Reserve my place


US lunchtime session

30th June, 12:00pm EDT (5:00pm BST)

Reserve my place


Duration: 50 minutes

Location: Online



