The Sign for Our Time- Completion

The Signs that Matter:

Do you realize how much we depend on signs? Signs tell us how fast we can drive, where to eat, how far to go, where we live, or when our plane arrives. Frankly, we take signs for granted. In ancient times there were few man-made signs, so many people depended on the stars, moon, sun, and shadows to tell them when where and how to navigate distances and time. This may be the reason why people have failed to comprehend a series of convergence of 3 of the biggest signs to ever grace our universe. It involved planets, stars, the sun moon, and stars and even a comet.  It was all interconnected.

The movements of these heavenly bodies were linked to events on earth over a span of 3-and one-half years.  Each event had significant meaning. For instance, a blood moon on the feast of Passover has a significant meaning when it is connected to 3 other blood moons within a 24-month period that also landed on special Holy days. Would it be significant to realize that the destruction of the Baal temple in Palmyra happened at the point where Jupiter and Venus began a 400-day journey together and entered the constellation Virgo? Probably not since few observe the stars much less planets and even fewer could care less about the meaning of constellations. But what if Jupiter stayed in the “womb” of Virgo for 9.5 months and Venus moved into alignment with Mars and Mercury to form a perfect arrow pointed at Regulus or royalty at the heart of the constellation Leo.  Would that speak to your curiosity? Together they are part of the Great Sign.

There was a time when constellations were extremely important. The Big Dipper for instance pointed out the North Star and the North Star helped the star navigator sail in the right direction. The constellations told the story of Creation with Virgo, the Virgin Eve, leading the way and Leo the Lion closing out the epic event. Some students of Egyptology suggest that ancient priests believed there was a special portal into the underworld at the point where Virgo and Leo joined.  Ancient Egyptians thought that the sun, moon, and stars in a certain pattern provided a pathway to the supernatural and to the “Field of Reeds” where the god of the afterlife, Osiris, ruled. That is why the Sphinx had the head of the Virgin and the body of a Lion. This was their path to salvation, but God had a different purpose for this sign.

God’s Great Sign is connected to His promise to the Virgin Eve and the Serpent Satan in Gen. 3:15: that his seed would strike the seed of the Woman, but the seed of the Woman would crush his head. The Sign points to both heaven and earth as it connects unique events on earth back to that promise from the beginning of time. One big example marks the way we measure time throughout all the centuries. That sign marked the birth and location of the Savior.  This sign was a Light from the Bethlehem Star and it was noticed hundreds of miles away by the kings of the East. It was so distinctive (probably because it happened within the sign of Virgo- the Virgin and specifically in the womb for over 9 months) that these kings traveled through hostile lands to seek its source and meaning. Many call this the “Ultimate Sign.” But what if I told you that there was a similar sign which happened recently that is more important.   It is of greater importance because it will affect our lives and is a warning to all who have pushed the faith or the Gospel into a dark box. It is a warning to idol worshippers who have wandered from the faith. Jesus who is the Light of the World warned the highest levels of the faith during his time that they were oblivious to the Truth, to the Light and to the Signs of their time. They were afraid of the voice of God for threatened their power and wealth. Is this happening today? Our faith leaders seem to be afraid of shaking up the church.

As suggested Signs will not mean much to those who do not care nor know how to read them. It would be like you or I seeing a sign written in a foreign alphabet. That ignorance, however, does not mean that it will not affect us. If you miss a stop sign you may suffer severe consequences. All signs require interpretation and an easy to understand sign may seem very insignificant. Simple signs or less visible signs might be ignored. And some signs can have different meanings to each observer. The rainbow is a sign that water vapor is in the air but according to the Bible it is also a sign from God of His Covenant never to flood the earth again. The Sign begins its focus on events that happened 3 1/2 years before the Sign of the Woman appeared. It had a foreshadow that began earlier at the first of 4 Blood Moons which initiated the sequence in conjunction with the rise of the ISIS threat- at the Passover, April of 2014. That first 3 1/2 years ended on September 23, 2017 at the end of the Sign of Revelation 12 and the Jubilee and with the Beginning of the Feast of Trumpets. The 2nd half or the next 3 1/2 years began with the ending of the Sign and with the Trumpets being blown and with the beginning of a new Jubilee. This would begin a new 3 1/2 year-period where invisible agents have disrupted and upturned society (the Sign itself is a forewarning of attacks by the invisible world --as explained in the book Cosmic Crossroad. This invisible world connects the natural (Covid-19 and hacking attacks) and the supernatural world (read Rev. 1:6-12 about Satan and his angels). Note the word "THEN" after the Sign ties this Sign to Satan and his angels as they are cast from and heaven and ravage our world and our society.

This sequence of two 3 1/2 periods is all a shadow of the 7-year judgment to come that surrounds the Sign of Revelation 12 in the Book of Revelation! This second 3 1/2 year foreshadow seemed to start innocently but it did not, for we saw an attempt by our own security and legislative branches to overthrow God's chosen man to lead America. America and specifically Trump would be the agent God appointed to release Jerusalem from the lies of the enemy and would give the nation of Israel legitimate legal rights to its ownership. LIES are a profoundly serious offense to God and these LIES have risen to incredible heights. We have exalted the LIE and surpassed the Truth. our media is directly involved in propaganda against the church, Israel, and God's chosen for administration of His directives and Plan.

Many have heard the powerful story about Rahab, her faith, and the sign she would leave to save herself and her family. The sign she used to alert her savior-spies was a scarlet threaded rope hung from the window on the wall. The sign used by the LORD’s army was to march around the city one time for 6 days then on the 7th day they marched around 7 times and blew their trumpets. God used specific numbers to outline the divine sign giving it both a set time and a set series of events. He used her sign to remind us that divine grace runs like a scarlet thread throughout “His story” tying His Promise to great events and people throughout history. That is why the sign of Revelation 12 is so important. God’s mercies are new every morning and through this Sign, God is reminding us that He is in control of the events to come.   Rahab’s status would put her at the very bottom of the moral and social totem pole. Since the God of Israel had commanded that all Canaanites be killed, she would have been buried her in the ashes. Yet God not only preserved her, he raised her up as an example of faith. She is mentioned in the hall of Faith in the book of Hebrews and in Matthew as the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Many have judged her faith as being greater than that of early Jewish nation. Her faith and the promise of grace are like threads of hope and mercy woven throughout the Word and fulfilled in Christ. Read: “What’s Happening? The Approaching Completion” at and order the $3.99 E-book of the Newly Revised version of this book at Amazon or Barnes & Noble..

The LORD put this book, Cosmic Crossroad Countdown in my heart months before the Great American Solar Eclipse. In this message God gave me 7 major insights and forewarnings that would transpire after the combination of Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars. These Signs included the Solar Eclipse, the 4 Blood Moons, and the Great Sign of Revelation 12. These were all tied together along with the Festivals and the Generational markers to forewarn us of the events that are NOW happening and are Purifying Israel, the Church and those He seeks to draw to Him. The new revised version of Cosmic Crossroad Countdown comes out in just 2 weeks. Also check out Facebook pages SOS Save Our Souls &  and the NEW WEBSITE where you can purchase the eBook for $2.99 and the print copy for $13.99


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