Sign of coming of son of man?
1800-1600 BCE Star Map depicts Pleiades str cluster as Star of David

Sign of coming of son of man?


Hoa mitakuye oyasin



Friends, relatives and associates.

I am sorry to have to inform you all that I was injured on Sunday, November 29, 2023, attempting to assist with the draining and weatherproofing of a swamp cooler, prior to a snow forecast the next day for Albuquerque.??We had just about finished the job when I slipped off the roof.??I landed on my head and lower back on a concrete patio.??I was revived by nine EMT called to the scene and regained consciousness in UNM Hospital Emergency Room, where I was released on Monday afternoon.??I sustained a concussion so my memory is still cloudy and have six staples in the back of my head, 22 stitches in my right leg and have a ”large fracture” in the lower part of my spine.??I am told at my age (71) it will take about 7 weeks to heal my spine.??I go to the orothopedic specialist on Tuesday November 7 and will know then what kind of follow up I will need to assist the healing.


So I wanted to let my 10,881 followers and friends in the Four Corners and Ark-La-Tex know I probably won’t be up and around for Hanukah this year or be attending the Genealogical Society meetings in the Ark-La-Tex-Oma region

I am still hoping to visit with wimmomgwmi who are Hopi Wuwuchim inititates concerning the ancient Hebrew writings about the “Kymri” (stating the flood of Noah was caused when Creator removed two stars out of their place trom the “Pleaides” (Kymri, Hopi Chuhokon).??The Hopi link the Flood of Noah to the end of their Third World and also have oral traditions connecting it to a change in the Chuhokon.??I believe this is very important research if it validates the 1600-1800 BCE Star Map (attached) located 20 years ago in Germany, that indicates the Pleiades at that time was a star cluster in the form of the Star of David and then consisted of a seventh star in the middle of the six, perhaps explaining why the cluster was called “the seven sisters.”??I am attaching the Star Map possibly depicting the “sign of the coming of the son of man.”???It certainly would startle much of the world to look up into the night sky and see a Star of David, which possibly existed at the time just before the flood.


But to validate this phenomenon I will need to meet with the Hopi Wuwuchim initiates.??I have a research protocol application currently being considered but it looks like I will need to move everything back about seven weeks.


I will know more after Tuesday’s exam and an MRI, but for now I know I am not able to travel and have difficulty standing or walking on my own.


However, I am in very good and capable hands of friends in Alubuquerque for the time being.


If anyone would like to write or call, I can probably handle that.??I have transferred my old Consumer Cellular number back to my I phone to get cell access here in the mountains.??My number is 870 571-9193.??Or you can email to Maggid ben Yoseif ([email protected] ).

Please try to call before 9 p.m. Mountain Standard Time


Appreciate your prayers in lodge to Wakhan Tanka/Tunkasila?for healing,

ben Yoseif?Ghodawakamagazu?


Mark Alan Bartholomew

Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new

10 个月

I AM,...............................connected to YOU, as you are,...................TO ME This is the way of it....(as wild as that sounds) There's a physics involved, and a new mathematics to usher in a new age of understanding. Judgment it seems, is but a wonderful natural process involved in each atomic interaction, as flux is applied over some distance.... to create energy, in four new forms. Comparison, is the component of this natural world, that creates the distance, to be so applied, making each entanglement or COMMUNICATION,... UNIQUE. This is the way of it...... And so there is a message.... spoken in great concern, please... Kindest.... MARK applied physics

Mark Alan Bartholomew

Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new

10 个月

It is my belief that Native Americans represent the languages, culture and customs, ceremonies and rituals of our Lost Tribes of Israel. Glad to find you. There is a way today, of understanding our natural world, in but a single principle; of defining the condition of man, to solve disease, aging and death,.... of describing energy in four new forms for some abundant future; and to unravel biblical scripture to reveal man's contribution, in meekness, parable, possession, fear and death... all things that are but what we might call the "contrivations" of men,interpreting systems incorrectly, of things that are of what we call "that which forms from nothing..." or God, in nature There is a way that i would like to present this work, and it is for those that i choose, perhaps. And i choose you, and Native peoples to receive this work. It is my desire to build a high tech facility.... call it a temple if you will,.... in the four corners,... of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico,... to honor Native peoples one,... but to also serve as a healing center, for our we utilize this new tech... to clean our environments... to clean our bodies.. Maybe you'd like to help me get the word out? Kindest MARK applied physics

Stephen Jones, MD

Medical doctor/Recovery Advocate

1 年

Hopefully a rapid recovery, interesting post.



