SIEM Project Lab Setup | Part 9 | How to forward Syslog entries from pfSense to Wazuh

SIEM Project Lab Setup | Part 9 | How to forward Syslog entries from pfSense to Wazuh

In this series, I show how to construct and configure a home lab in Oracle VirtualBox that contains two Linux virtual machines (VMs), a virtual pfSense router/firewall, and a Wazuh OVA appliance.

In this article, I demonstrate how to set up pfSense to forward it's firewall logs to Wazuh for analysis. This is important as it allows a security analyst to monitor what is or is not being blocked on the firewall and what actions are being taken on the firewall. Lets do it!


Note: If this is the first article you've read in this series, feel free to check out Part 1 to catch up or you can follow along here as well. Thanks!


Step 1: Power up your pfSense VM. Give it a few moments to fully boot up.

Once it is fully up, you'll see this screen

Step 2: Next, boot up one of the Linux VMs. For me, I'll choose Ubuntu


Step 3: Boot up the Wazuh VM


Once you see this screen in the Wazuh VM, punch in the credentials shown

Step 4: Once all of the VMs referenced above are booted up, open a web browser in your Linux VM and type in the Wazuh IP address and login using the username "admin," password "admin". If you don't know the Wazuh IP address. Go to the Wazuh VM and type in "ip a" and press Enter. You'll see the IP address listed. It will look something like the image below:

?Step 5: Look at your pfSense VM and take note of the IP address assigned to the LAN interface. It will look something like the below image:



Once you have the IP address, open a new tab in your browser and type in the pfSense IP and press Enter. You'll see a warning screen popup, similar to the one referenced below


There isn't anything wrong of course. Click "Advanced" and then scroll down and click on "Accept the Risk and Continue."

Once you accept the risk, you'll see the pfSense login screen punch in "admin" for the username and "pfsense" for the password, then press Enter.



Step 6: To practice proper security habits, notice on the first screen that you see that there is a warning about the "admin" account password is set to default. Lets click on the "Change the password . . ." link.



Once you're on the "Edit User" screen, punch in a new admin password on the "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields.



Once you punch in a new password, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save"


Step 7: Next, click on "System" at the top left of the screen

You'll see a dropdown menu appear. Click on "General Setup."


?Scroll down to the "Timezone" section and click the dropdown menu. Select your time zone. pfSense doesn't automatically detect your time zone upon installation so by setting it here, it will make researching the logs much easier when we come to that step.

Once you select your time zone, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save."


?Step 8: Click "Status " near the top right of the screen.


?You'll see a dropdown menu appear, click "System Logs" near the bottom of the menu.


Step 9: Click on Settings in the upper right part of the screen.


Under "General Logging Options" at the top of the menu, click the dropdown next to "Log Message Format" and choose "syslog." The reason why is that Wazuh is natively able to ingest and analyze syslog messages easily.

?(optional) Directly below the "Log Message Format" section, click the checkbox next to "Forward/Reverse Display" that says "Show log entries in reverse order (newest entries on top)." I like to enable this setting because in my opinion it makes researching the logs a little easier. Its up to you though.?


Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings screen and check the box that says "Send log messages to remote syslog server."



Directly beneath the checkbox, click the dropdown next to "Source Address." Then click on "LAN" since the data we are examining is going to be within the virtual LAN.



Step 10: Scroll down to where it says "Remote log servers." type in the IP address of your Wazuh server in the format of x.x.x.x:514. See the below image for reference. The reason why we need the ":514" appended to the end of the IP address is that syslog messages are sent over UPD port 514, so this tells pfSense exactly where to send the logs and the port to send the logs through.


Under the "Remote Syslog Contents" section, I strongly recommend that for simplicity sake you only have System Events, Firewall Events, DNS Events and DHCP Events checked. The reason why is that if you select more than that or even "Everything," the amount of logs that you'll have to sort through will be MASSIVE. Its up to you of course.


Once you configure all of the desired settings, scroll down and click on "Save."


Step 11: Click "Firewall" at the top middle of the screen.



Once you see a dropdown, click on Rules



Next, click on the "LAN" section on the upper left portion of the screen



Click the green "Add" button with the arrow pointing up to add a new rule to the top of the rules list


?Under the "Edit Firewall Rule" section, click the dropdown next to "Protocol" and click on "UDP." Under the "Source" menu, click the dropdown and select "LAN subnets." Under the Destination menu, click the dropdown next to "Destination and select "Address or Alias." Punch in your Wazuh server IP address in the "Destination Address" field.

Click the dropdown menus that currently say "(other)" and choose "syslog(514)." Scroll down to the "Extra Options" menu. Look where it says "Description." Type in "Forward syslog entries to Wazuh." If your settings look like the below image, you're all set.

Any settings that I didn't mention above you can leave at their default values. Scroll down and click on "Save."


Next, we need to switch gears and login to the Wazuh server and basically tell the server to listen for the syslogs that pfSense will be sending to it. By configuring Wazuh to "listen" for the syslog entries, Wazuh will properly ingest/analyze them for us to monitor as part of our lab.


Step 12: Open another tab on your web browser and type in your Wazuh server IP address. Login using the admin credentials ("admin" for username, "admin" for password).

Once you're logged in, click the menu button in the top left. Scroll down and click on "Server Management," which will open up a dropdown, then click on "Settings."



You'll be taken to a page with a lot of data and descriptions, but for this exercise, we need to click on "edit configuration" in the upper right corner.



You'll be taken to a page of XML code; it is the configuration file of the Wazuh server. enter these new settings into the configuration file:









?(the x.x.x.x/24 above is your subnet IP address, the x.x.x.x under local IP is the IP address of your Wazuh server)


Here is what my Wazuh server config file looked like when I finished


Click "Save" in the upper right corner when you're done, then click "Restart Manager," then "confirm."


Step 13: Lets test these new settings easily by logging out of the pfSense Web GUI and then punching in the wrong credentials on purpose to generate a failed login.


Once the failed login happens, lets go back to Wazuh to see if a log showing the failed login appears.? Click the menu button in the upper left corner, then click "explore," then "discover." Notice in the following image that indeed Wazuh is showing a failed login log from syslog. So our configuration settings on both pfSense and Wazuh are set up properly. Nice work!


Thank you very much for examining this walkthrough today. I hope it provided you with lots of value. If it was indeed helpful to you, feel free to like and share it with someone that you think could also benefit from it. Also feel free to leave any comments or questions that you may have as well.


Have a great day!

Feel free to investigate the next part of the series below. Thanks so much!


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