SIEM Project Lab Setup | Part 1 | Install Oracle VirtualBox

SIEM Project Lab Setup | Part 1 | Install Oracle VirtualBox

In this multipart walkthrough series, I demonstrate how to get a virtual home lab setup that can be used to practice using a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. The SIEM that will ultimately be used is called Wazuh, which I'll describe in a later walkthrough. For now, to get the lab setup, we need to first download the hypervisor that will facilitate the lab. The hypervisor is called Oracle VirtualBox. It is recommended that you set up this lab on a host machine that has as powerful a processor as possible and lots of RAM, but its not required. Ok, lets go!


Step 1: Go to Google and search for Oracle VirtualBox


Step 2: Click on the link for


Step 3: Once you get to the Oracle VirtualBox page, click the big blue "download" button.


Step 4: On the Downloads page, click on your host OS. Mine is Windows, so I clicked "Windows hosts."


Once your web browser downloads the install file, click on it in your OS downloads folder. The installation dialog box will appear, which I continue describing below in step 5.

Step 5: Click "Next"


Step 6: Click the "I accept" radio button after reading the End User agreement, then click Next


Step 7: Click "Next" on the "Custom Setup" dialog box.


Step 8: Click "Next" on the Warning dialog box.


Step 9: Click "Yes" on the Python "Missing Dependencies" dialog box.


Step 10: Click "Next" on the checkbox dialog box.


Step 11: Click "Install" on the "Ready to Install" dialog box.


Step 12: Click "Finish" on the "Installation is complete" dialog box.


Once you click "Finish" on the "Installation is complete" dialog box, the main window for Oracle VirtualBox will appear on your screen. You're all set to install and configure your virtual machines!


On my next article I'll go over how to install an Ubuntu virtual machine. For discussion, do you already use VirtualBox by chance? If so, what do you use it for? Thanks for reading and commenting! If you found this resource useful, feel free to like and share it with someone. See you on the next article!

Click the graphic below to check out Part 2 in the series! Thank you!


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