A Side Hustle?

A Side Hustle?

Yes, and there are some big reasons you should consider:

Stop Trading Your Time for Money

Once you start to realize there is real money to be made with a side hustle, the illusions society places on the need to live your life financially dependent to a factory line work schedule starts to slowly slip away. In fact, most successful millionaires have multiple sources of income that keep them from being dependent of any 1 source in particular.

Asset Income

The most obvious benefit from a side hustle is that your household now has an additional source of income. For my side hustle, I multiply your income opportunities, which allows me to do things like be debt free, save up for that vacation house I’ve always wanted and finally get serious about travel and putting aside money for my retirement.

Networking and building New Relationships

A side hustle will put you in many situations you normally wouldn’t be exposed to. Experiencing these new opportunities will connect you to people you would have never met otherwise. I’m focused on health and wellness and my side hustle is plant-based gold standard products. I love that I work for myself and enjoy it.

Something to Prove

Many people who begin a side hustle do it because they have a dream of one day running their own business. Now is always the best time to get started, but it isn’t always important to do it all at once. Starting a side hustle can begin slowly and at a pace you can sustain while you are still juggling a day job and family life. Eventually, your side hustle will begin to make a profit while you strategically work out the kinks. Given enough time and experience, you will not only have built up a viable business concept, but you will have also built up the confidence you need to step in with both feet. The time to start is now!

We all have the Same Amount of Time in a Day

If you are like many other Americans, you could be spending nearly the same amount of time watching TV as you do at your full-time job! By focusing on building up a side hustle instead of letting your all your free time get sucked into a valueless pit of distraction, you could be helping improve your financial situation. Not only that, but you will also be protecting yourself from looking back at those same hours with the regret of having nothing to show for it but a bag of potato chips as empty as your Hulu queue.

Starting your own side hustle doesn’t have to be expensive. I started for under a hundred bucks and it doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult either. The best part, and arguably the whole point, is that you are in complete control of your schedule and your workload. So, don’t let your comfort zone keep you from expanding your opportunities and pursuing additional income doing things that could set you free.


