Side (espanol abajo) (lessons from the plague, pt 1) Who’s on your side?

Psalm 124:1 If it had not been the Lord who was on our side...

1. Best take away from this plague is establishing our faith in God. When you are going to church and being surrounded by christians all the time, it’s hard to tell who your confidence is really in. Is your source of faith in yours pastors, your friends, or in God Himself.

God is on our side IF we are His. Are we??? We are His when we truly accept Him as our ONLY hope, our ONLY Lord and Savior, and have fully repented of our sins. Have we really done so? Are we sure? Let the Holy Spirit show us.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

When He is on our side we are on His side because we are standing side by side with Him, facing our enemies.  Who is better to have on your side than Jesus?

Psalm 124:2-3. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:

You may think you don’t have any enemies, but if you are a born again child of God, you have a big enemy, Satan and his legions. Although you have an enemy, you don’t need to be afraid. As a matter of fact, ‘fear not’ is repeated over 350 times in the Bible. This is a really great time by the way to see if you really believe in Jesus, and are His follower or not.

When I was a kid, I was never one of the first picks when we chose sides for backyard baseball, basketball, and football games. There was one kid who was always picked first, a scrappy junk yard dog named Scott Neil. Scott was a savage. Whoever had Scott on the team won. It did not matter who else was on either side. If Scott was on your side, you won. If he wasn’t, you lost.

If you are saved, Jesus is on your side. If He is on your side, you win. If He isn’t, you lose. Satan is our enemy and he is out for blood. He can’t win because Jesus isn’t on his side. 

Satan cheats. In January 2020 he used bio-warfare, manipulation, deceit, greed, politics, power plays, election campaigns and hatred to immobilize the world with a virus that is nothing more than a bad flu. The objective of bio-warfare is not to kill, but to cause fear, that can result in lawlessness and financial problems on a worldwide level. 

Don’t be afraid. With Jesus on our side, we win, no matter how bleak things look. Without Jesus on his side, Satan can’t win, no matter how dirty he plays. He can steal joy. He can also give you a taste of hell. Did you know that fear is a taste of hell?

1 John 4:8.  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

In the original languages, the word used for fear is torment, the same word used for the torment of hell. Satan can’t win, but he can give you hell on earth. You’re worrying about dying of CoronaVirus won’t protect you. I personally believe that worrying about it makes you more susceptible to it.  Don't empower it. If you are saved, you really need to trust God, without doubting. If you live in fear, you are living in hell (torment). That is NOT God’s willl for those on His side. Plus fear weakens your immune system, and runs people off.

When we see these things happening, don’t be surprised. Jesus said it was going to happen. He also said to ‘be of good cheer, he has already won’!

John 16:33. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

With Jesus on our side, we don’t worry about who is against us. When I was preaching in the maximum security prison in Costa Rica, we got caught in the middle of a scuffle. Guards never were inside the cell block with us. The guards locked about 2 or three doors between us and the guards. We were in there with the inmates alone. One of the prisoners threatened me with a knife. I told him, very nicely, ‘if you kill me, I get to go to heaven and you get into even more trouble.’ As the guards were scrambling to open all the doors between us, and them, the threatening con asked me what to do with the ugliest knife I had ever seen in my life. I happily told him to throw it over the wall. He did. I would have won either way, but he won that battle by listening to my Godly wisdom. God was on his side, and we became friends.

All things work out for our good if we are on God’s side, because we love Him and He loves us. When you are not afraid of death, Satan has nothing on you.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God

If God who is with you, on your side, you don’t have to worry about your enemies, your health, your finances or your family.

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Dean and Winnie Peters [email protected]

Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters



Salmo 124: 1 Si no hubiera sido el Se?or quien estuvo de nuestro lado ....

Dios está de nuestro lado si somos suyos. Somos suyos cuando lo aceptamos como Se?or y Salvador.

Romanos 10: 9 Que si confiesas con tu boca al Se?or Jesús, y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de los muertos, serás salvo.

Cuando él está de nuestro lado, nosotros estamos de Su lado porque estamos de pie al lado de él, frente a nuestros enemigos. ?Quién es mejor tener de tu lado que Jesús?

Salmo 124: 2-3. Si no hubiera sido el Se?or quien estuvo de nuestro lado, cuando los hombres se levantaron contra nosotros: Entonces nos tragaron rápidamente, cuando su ira se encendió contra nosotros:

Puedes pensar que no tienes enemigos, pero si eres un hijo de Dios nacido de nuevo, tienes un gran enemigo, Satanás y sus legiones. Aunque tienes un enemigo, no necesitas tener miedo. De hecho, "no temas" se repite más de 350 veces en la Biblia. Este es realmente un buen momento para ver si realmente crees en Jesús y eres su seguidor o no.

Cuando era ni?o, nunca fui de las primeras elecciones cuando elegimos lados para los juegos de béisbol, baloncesto y fútbol americano en la calle. Hubo un ni?o que siempre fue elegido primero, un perro chatarrero llamado Scott Neil. Scott era un salvaje. El que tenía a Scott en el equipo ganó. No importaba quién más estuviera a cada lado. Si Scott estaba de tu lado, tú ganaste. Si no lo estaba, perdiste.

Si eres salvo, Jesús está de tu lado. Si él está de tu lado, tú ganas. Si no lo es, pierdes. Satanás es nuestro enemigo y está buscando sangre. No puede ganar porque Jesús no está de su lado.

Satanás es tramposo. En enero de 2020, utilizó la guerra biológica, la manipulación, el enga?o, la codicia, la política, los juegos de poder, las campa?as electorales y el odio para inmovilizar al mundo con un virus que no es más que una gripe grave. El objetivo de la guerra biológica no es matar, sino causar miedo, que puede dar lugar a los albarrotos, anarcia, y problemas financieros a nivel mundial.

No tengas miedo. Con Jesús de nuestro lado, ganamos, no importa cuán oscuras se vean las cosas. Sin Jesús de su lado, Satanás no puede ganar, no importa cuán sucio juegue. Cuando veamos que suceden estas cosas, no se sorprenda. Jesús dijo que iba a suceder. ?También dijo que fuera de buen ánimo, ya había ganado!

Juan 16:33. Estas cosas os he hablado para que en mí tengáis paz. En el mundo tendréis tribulación; pero confiad; He vencido al mundo.

Con Jesús de nuestro lado, no nos preocupamos de quién está en contra de nosotros. Cuando estaba predicando en la prisión de máxima seguridad en Costa Rica. nos atraparon en medio de una pelea. Uno de los prisioneros me amenazó con un cuchillo. Le dije, muy amablemente, "si me matas, iré al cielo y te meterás en más problemas".

Todas las cosas funcionan para nuestro bien si estamos del lado de Dios, porque lo amamos y él nos ama.

Romanos 8:28 Y sabemos que todas las cosas funcionan juntas para bien de los que aman a Dios Si

Dios está con usted, de su lado, no tiene que preocuparse por sus enemigos, su salud, sus finanzas o su familia.

Romanos 8:31 ?Qué, pues, diremos a estas cosas? Si Dios es para nosotros, ?quién puede estar en contra de nosotros?

Dean and Winnie Peters [email protected]

Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters


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